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The network of founders is growing: startups have a good chance of making a breakthrough

In Germany there are four big cities that attract company founders like a magnet. Berlin, Munich, Hamburg and Cologne are regarded as thriving landscapes for people with an innovative business idea. The trend continues in Baden-Wuerttemberg, here too, the scene prefers to settle in the metropolitan area. SME and family…

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A study on financial decisions: Is digital revolution a fear?

Two out of three medium-sized companies in Germany fear that the digital transformation of their operations could overtax them financially. This is one of the most central findings of the study “Financing Monitor 2019”. We interviewed a total of 200 financial decision-makers from medium-sized industrial, commercial and service companies. However,…

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Data infrastructure: Why are blockchains investing so much in it?

Switzerland-based Blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT) and cyber security firm WISeKey has acquired a 22-percent stake in American data infrastructure company Tarmin with a multi-million dollar transaction, the exact amount of which is unspecified. WISeKey announced this on April 3 in an official announcement. WISeKey focuses on creating digital identity…

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Austrian Minister disagrees with Europe’s “excessive” Blockchain regulation

The Austrian Minister of Digital and Economic Affairs told the ANON Blockchain summit that “Europe has a strong tendency to regulate excessively”. The Minister of Digital and Economic Affairs of Austria, Margarete Schramböck, recently pointed out that the country could oppose European trends, leaving the country’s Blockchain technology sector unregulated.…

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