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From Bitcoin to Brexit: Here’s What Investors Need to Watch for till the end of 2019

Is it possible that the US Federal Reserve’s decision to tighten its balance sheet contributed to bitcoin and the wider cryptocurrency market losing steam in 2018? If so, what should crypto investors expect from the independently-run central bank in the future? Mati Greenspan, the senior market analyst at trading platform…

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Bitcoiners tell their worst experiences with traditional banks

Important characters of the cryptoecosystem commented the social network Twitter their negative experiences with traditional banking. The initiative began when Morgan Creek Digital CEO Anthony Pompliano posted a tweet asking his readers what was the worst experience they had with a bank. Pompliano, popularly known as Pomp, was followed by…

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Support to the development of startups that contribute to the modernization of the financial system

Seeking to adapt to the digital revolution driven by the new businesses and the requirements of customers in the matter. The Consorcio Group agreed an investment of US $ 500,000 to around $ 350 million in the platform PagoFácil, aggregate of means of online payments. The alliance will allow the…

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A specialized opinion: What is happening with Bitcoin? Is this the bottom?

CriptoPasion is proud to present Crypto Craig from Bitcoin Energy, the latest influence factor to bring to our growing YouTube community: CriptoPasion Official YouTube Channel Who is Crypto Craig? Crypto Craig has long been an enthusiast of cryptographers with a love for the industry. Craig has a great enthusiasm for…

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