As in love as you may be with your business’s logo or the flyer you have designed for your latest campaign and as superior your product might be compared to anything else on the internet, the truth is there are just too many people and companies posting and reposting their stories every day. So it doesn’t really matter how great the product you are offering is, there’s a big chance it’s still going to be lost over a millions of other images and blogposts.
That is why many people have devised different strategies to measure how successful their campaigns are having on the web in order to redirect their strategies and reach as many potential customers as possible.
One of them is reverse image search, which allows you to search the web for similar images to find any way it was used. This method is often used to find a picture source and verify its authenticity, but there are many ways in which it can help you in different aspects of your business.

The way you can reverse search an image is by using a tool or API that uses algorithms to make fingerprints of a picture and uses different search engines to detect different web pages where a similar image was used. A very common one is Reverse Image Search API, that uses the URL of an image to provide a different list of sites where the same picture was used before.
By the use of an algorithm that recognizes the different contours and shades of an image to use them as fingerprints, tools such as the Reverse Image Search API explore the most remote corners of the web to find images similar to the one sought.
This method is very useful for people who work with image files, since it allows you to find different extensions or resolutions of the same photograph with a quick search. It is also widely used by journalists to check the veracity of a photo or by community managers before sharing an image on a corporate account.
With a simple reverse image search, you can go as far as the first time a picture was uploaded onto the internet. This way, it is possible to know the source of the image you want to use and make sure that it is not restricted by copyright, saving yourself from possible backlash you may encounter by reusing it.

This is why companies, and particularly marketing departments, are discovering the usefulness that tools like Reverse Image Search API can have for their business. After all, performing a reverse search can not only discover the source of an image, but all the times that image has been shared.
In this way, companies can have more accurate data on the effectiveness of a marketing campaign. By searching for the campaign poster or flyer in the Reverse Image Search API, you will not only be able to obtain metrics, but also observe the contexts and publications in which it was shared on social networks.
It is also an excellent tool to verify that the images originally produced by the company, such as logos, photographs or designs, are not being appropriated or used without consent. In this way, the image of the company can be taken care of or legal action can be taken if this is required.
The business world is a highly competitive one, and everyday that you don’t learn a new or better tool is a day of advantage for the competition. Many companies and professionals are already discovering how much money and time they can save by using Reverse Image Search API, now it’s time for you to find that out.