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Online TTS To Use With Schoology

Schoology is software that allows users to create, manage and share content and resources. Alternatively, it is known as a virtual learning environment (VLE) or course management system. In addition, it is an online platform as the content is immediately uploaded to the cloud and provides the necessary tools to manage any classroom or blended learning environment.

This tool gives the opportunity to generate a fully personalized classroom environment in which learners can connect with interactive, tailor-made experiences. On the other hand, this allows their learning process to be vastly improved.

How is this?

Online TTS To Use With Schoology

Teachers can monitor their students’ progress, comment on their files, and edit them in real-time. Educators could assess students by creating a spreadsheet template and installing add-ons such as Flubaroo (which can be used to mark multiple-choice tests and provide feedback).

The plug-ins make it easier to create evaluable tests. The files can no longer be modified by the student after they have been submitted and assessed. There is text to mp3 converters that allow you to convert text to files so that students can learn in different ways.

There are various online text-to-speech converters. One of them is Woord. A software is really easy to use. You just have to go to And then follow the steps to have the audio available in just a few seconds.

Woord has a paid version in which unlimited characters can be converted. This technology is characterized by making voices that sound like humans through artificial intelligence.

Online TTS To Use With Schoology

Woord offers a very extensive list of languages ​​that can be used. Some of them are: Filipino, Italian, French, Russian, Spanish, Brazilian, Argentine, Mexican, Indian, Danish, among many others. On the other hand, female, male and neutral voices are available. In addition it has voices of children and adolescents.

About Woord:

Another advantage of Woord is that you can set the speed at which the audio will be converted. You can go faster or slower depending on your preferences. This software can be used in devices with Windows or MAC oS x operating systems.

You can listen online and if you don’t like something, tweak it and start over. It can also be downloaded and in this way it will be available forever on your PC, tablet or cell phone.

Published inAppsTechnology