Do you want to try a good and easy-to-use image enhancer? We have the perfect option!
Any marketing strategy’s primary goal is to spread the company’s messages to potential customers. But this process is not just about the content. The message must evoke emotions through imagery in order to be effective; the plain text has less of an effect. It is crucial to use images, illustrations, and infographics to give the text additional motivation and significance.
Add photos to all of your marketing materials for success, including advertising, website pages, blog posts, and emails. An image enhancer can be the ideal tool for you because the photographs should be of the highest quality.
The advantages of employing photographs in marketing efforts will be discussed in this section. We evaluate the best types of photographs to use and how to do so effectively.

Let’s start with the most straightforward—yet most challenging—question: How might images help your marketing?
1. Pictures help people remember your brand
Potential buyers are more likely to remember an image that is appealing and of excellent quality. Although consumers might not have the time to read your blog entries or product descriptions, they can nevertheless remember 65% of what they have seen. When consumers require your goods or services in the future, they can refer back to it.
2. Your customers will remain loyal
Website visitors typically don’t stay on the page for longer than 15 seconds. They might take more time reading all the text about something if they have seen an appealing visual.
3. More sales
Images are very useful for online stores. Visitors to the website are looking to see how the item they require looks. About 68% of customers say that an accurate photo is crucial in influencing their decision to purchase a product. 54% of respondents claim that the product image is more intriguing to them than any ratings or customer reviews, and 65% believe that the product image is more significant than its description.
4. Communication Becomes Faster
In today’s fast-paced society, visual communication is crucial. A visitor needs around 10 seconds to grasp the significance of the written language and choose whether it is worthwhile to read; this is made easier if they are drawn to the image. In less than 100 milliseconds, it becomes clear how it will affect the viewer emotionally.
5. Engagement and Conversions Increase
About 90% more reviews are given to texts with illustrations on websites, in articles, and in blog posts than to texts without illustrations. When photographs are included with press releases, more views are displayed.
Why do we recommend the Image Enhancer API?
This API is a tool that assists people to improve the quality of all images with just a few clicks. Through several super-resolution algorithms, this API is able to improve how an image looks.

If you have a poor-quality photo, this API will make it look better right away.
What this API receives and what your API provides (input/output)?
The user will pass the URL of the image that they want to enhance, and will be receiving a new URL with the improved image.
Also published on Medium.