Does your site need a refresh? Read the following article and learn to extract all the interactive elements with these Apify alternatives!
The sale of your services or products depends on their presentation. Today having a website or online store is essential. And if you don’t have it yet, you’ll be able to see the difference right away when you create one. Besides, an online tool can provide the first impression of your client’s principal interests.
Further, not exclusively young audiences are interested in games and the quality of the images. Especially the inclusion of explanatory videos on how to use the product can persuade many potential customers. Surely, if you check your competitors’ sites, they’ll probably have that type of material on display. And their site must have a lot of views.
Fortunately, if you aren’t satisfied with the tool you have now, you can opt for others. Nowadays, there are many scraping APIs to choose from on the internet. Perhaps, you are behind a new service that doesn’t work with big companies like Apify. Something that has all the primary features available like screenshots and proxies and has personalised assistance. Below, you’ll find a list of alternatives with easy access and diverse options in functionalities and subscription packs.

Three Apify alternatives to obtaining interactive elements
The ease and correctness of this API’s results are the main reasons for recommending it. You can choose between the site crawling API, Javascript rendering, and search engine control as parameters. Of course, if you need to extract interactive elements, the rendering feature will be crucial. Also, the premium proxies are necessary, and Codery‘s API can put them to work every time a block ad is near.
Moreover, the return comes in spreadsheets and in strict order with the pages. Accordingly to its website, you have many subscriptions available, and there’s a free option. Check it out here:
This company provides a scraping API that extracts data from any website. As a highlight, you can use the information you gathered earlier to design your custom API. As a fact, this program prepares a robot to respond in two minutes. Even better, it doesn’t require the use of any code. That’s the way Browse.AI provides immediate answers.
Another relevant service is the ‘click automation’ to follow daily updates from popular websites. Plus, the scheduled extracting data feature: you can set it up, and it will work automatically.
Initially, you’ll get a thousand free API calls with this service, and you won’t have to pay with a credit card. And if it isn’t enough, it offers a variety of functionalities regarding web scraping. You count on a scraper, javascript rendering, and multiple and fast proxies.
Additionally, you can find many detailed aspects to display when scraping: asynchronous crawling and scheduling the scrape. The latter option allows determining the interval you need to do web scraping again. Finally, you’ll get the results through the URL callback in seconds.
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