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Monetize Your Voice API In This API Marketplace

Read this article to know the pioneer in API commercialization.

This is the first time in history that innovation has advanced as rapidly as digital technologies have: in just twenty years, they have reached nearly 50% of the developing world’s population and transformed societies. Throughout history, technological revolutions have changed the workforce: they have created new forms and models of work, rendered others obsolete, and led to broader societal changes. This wave of change is likely to have profound repercussions.

Analog and digital machines have always been used to help designers of work environments to calculate work outputs and to automate tasks, a goal that is now being pursued through artificial intelligence (AI) tools and applications. AI is currently the newest and most promising area for the management of work environments and workers. Forty percent of HR departments in large and small companies use AI-enhanced applications.  

Monetize Your Voice API In This API Marketplace

The new technologies, related to the use of algorithms and artificial intelligence, are applied to work platforms through the use of interfaces, or Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). APIs generate a permanent connection with external sources of information, allowing the execution of external functions. An example is the Voice APIs used to convert text to different voices that sound very real, and are widely used in animation studios. 

These new tools are revolutionizing work processes, and today, more and more companies, large and small, are seeking advice and testing them in their work processes. In fact, APIs are in most of the applications we use, even if they seem invisible. Their commercialization is key and is done through E-commerce or API Marketplaces.

Why Use A Marketplace?

Marketplaces have facilitated both buying and selling for many consumers and sellers. In particular, selling digital products has even more complications. Marketing is much more competitive on the Internet, and if you do not have your own eCommerce you must resort to marketplaces. These sites allow developers not to have to create websites or payment methods from scratch. In addition, they have their own traffic of visitors that allows increasing the arrival of the products.

In general, these marketplaces have work teams that take care of the necessary marketing tasks. They are great allies of developers and allow them to monetize APIs. We recommend you try an API Marketplace that has gained popularity in recent times thanks to its particular attributes loved by buyers and developers. Zyla API Hub is a pioneer in marketing these tools.

Monetize Your Voice API In This API Marketplace

More About Zyla API Hub

If you are looking for the best place to expose your API, Zyla API Hub is an outstanding choice. This Marketplace is buyer-friendly, enterprise-class, and tech-savvy for its selection of premium APIs. It allows you to search and compare products in an easy way. As for developers, it is very easy to publish your API. They only have to list it and the team will give them technical advice before publishing it. 

For developers, this Marketplace will bring a lot of joy, since its amazing team will take care of all the necessary tasks to monetize the products. They provide customer support, and sales follow-up, handle payments and support all kinds of APIs. The most special thing about this Hub is that it helps developers to price competitively by suggesting a pricing plan thought out with the help of artificial intelligence algorithms. Publish your API on Zyla API Hub to get all these benefits!

Published inApps, technology