Do you know what a concurrent request is? Do you need a tool that can handle many at the same time? Read the following article and find three Scrapingbee alternatives with more concurrent requests for a solution!
Every company understand simultaneity in its particular way. And according to that offers a service with its specific characteristics. Also, the diversity of programming languages allows for handling concurrent solicitations in many ways.
Above all, the number of simultaneous requests alludes to how many the system can handle in parallel. Concurrent requests on a website refer to requests made by multiple visitors simultaneously. Correspondingly, this feature contributes to having an overview of your page’s traffic.
Furthermore, the information regarding the visits to a website will tell you if your product or service is doing well or not. Besides, it can also provide you with the exact hours when the most prominent number of visitors go in. This way, you can plan when it will be most profitable to post new stuff on it.
Fortunately, there are multiple AI tools with concurrent request options to choose from and obtain accurate analysis from a site. Plus, they have accessible costs and lightweight systems to start immediately without major difficulties. Some of them don’t even use programming code or credit cards. Below, you’ll find the description of three alternatives to analyse daily your site’s concurrency. Keep reading!

Three ScrapingBee alternatives for more concurrent requests
This API scans a website in seconds and captures massive volumes of data. Plus, the outcome comes in spreadsheets, a method that makes everything more understandable. Moreover, you can use this technology to collect data from any web page without worrying about browsers or javascript code.
If you check the multiple options regarding subscriptions, you’ll get more concurrent requests. With the free plan, you’ll have only one, but a paid account starts in five concurrent requests.
This company defines itself as the ultimate web scraping API because it tries to handle that task differently. Between Page2API features, you can also find monitoring for your search and javascript rendering. Plus, you have the ‘batch crawling’ option, which means you can open various pages and peel them simultaneously. Besides, you’ll be able to get through site limitations since it has over 10 million proxies. And there’s a premium alternative if you need to peel a particular difficulty page. Above all, you won’t find barriers to obtaining the data you’re looking for with Page2API.
Here, the simultaneity goes into the functionality of a robot. You’ll need to train with your particular indications to make it work. For example, it offers a ‘1-click automation’ solution for frequent use cases, which you can also implement into your browser. This function will allow you to get updated information on the page you chose before and include it in your search. This feature keeps working even if you don’t have it open. Consequently, you will not have to be aware of its operation.
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