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Make Your Marketing Plan Viable With An IP Geo API

What’s the connection between a viable marketing plan and geolocation? In the following article, we’ll show how is that viable by working with an IP geo API!

Economic scenarios are constantly changing, and from time to time, they can generate crises that impact trade. With this uncertainty, Marketing teams have to adapt to these contexts constantly. Fortunately, the digital world offers relevant alternatives for planning sales strategies.

In recent years, people are more connected. And after the pandemic, they are much more interested in brands that offer their services and products in the digital area.

In parallel, at this delicate moment, the most important thing for companies is to find ways to minimize losses and long-term effects. For this reason, digital actions, whether on websites, blogs or social networks, can present immediate results. And yet remain active and accessible indefinitely, building a solid foundation for future business.

What’s an IP geo API?

Accordingly, to those necessary digital marketing strategies exist tools that offer even more help. And it is that in recent years, the issue of geolocation has been increasingly relevant.

Then, an IP geo API provides location data from a particular Internet Protocol (IP) address. The third part of this circuit is the API (application programming interface) that will connect your request with the GPS software. Moreover, they collect data quickly since their architecture is AI technology. Also, the latter means these tools don’t require too much attention from you. Only by sending the specific request with IP identification, the process starts.

Make Your Marketing Plan Viable With An IP Geo API

Make your marketing plan viable with an IP geo API like Ipxapi

Above all, the Ipxapi‘s API provides many details from an IP address. After that, you’ll be able to know much more about your audience and design a realistic marketing plan. It’s relevant not to underestimate how residency details can contribute to your business and expand it.

First, the Ipxapi‘s API will reach an approximated location accordingly to the IP provided. And that will include the brands from the devices and the postal code. Also, it contains the most commonly used currency and the time zone. The final two modules provide the users with national currency to know what kind of economy they live in. They’ll also allow your marketing staff to send out notifications and mailings with promotions in a timely manner.

Finally, you’ll be able to create a strategy while being protected by the fourth module of Ipxapi. No one will infiltrate your network or steal data from your company’s equipment. With the coverage of this fourth feature, any of your sensitive data will go public.

Make Your Marketing Plan Viable With An IP Geo API

Which are the Ipxapi security standards?

This company requires less private information from you to work. Just giving your name and email is already working. And every detail you provide goes under encryption.

Only the company’s team can access to process your requests. No one will steal it. Even more important, this company doesn’t share your data with other marketers.

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Also published on Medium.

Published inApps, technology