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Looking To Get The Future Prices Of Silver? Check This API

Would you like to quickly and easily obtain the prices of the precious metals futures market? Precious metals like silver? Don’t hesitate anymore, use this fantastic API, it will definitely help you. It is the best option for Silver prices.

Pure silver is a brilliant, resistant, ductile, and malleable metal, of all metals it has the highest reflective optical white color and the highest thermal and electrical conductivity, it presents a metallic white shine susceptible to polishing. From the chemical point of view, it is one of the heavy and noble metals; from a commercial point of view, it is a precious metal. Silver is a scarce element in nature, of which it represents one part in 10 million in the earth’s crust. It can be found in its native state, although it is generally found in minerals that contain silver compounds.

Silver’s beauty, weight, and lack of corrosion have made it a store of value and therefore one of the first metals to be used as a medium of exchange. It has legendary natural beauty, it has a 5000-year history as a financial and monetary asset. Of the world’s silver demand, approximately 70% is used for monetary purposes; a large part is used in goldsmithing, and smaller amounts in the photographic, chemical, and electrical industries. Therefore, the main categories of use include coin and medal manufacturing, industrial applications including electrical and electronic components, jewelry and silverware, and photography.

Looking To Get The Future Prices Of Silver? Check This API

Unfortunately, in 2022 the price of silver fell by 19.12%. Faced with price changes, many investors decide to avoid losing money through the futures market. If you are looking for a way to obtain them, it is best to use the Metals-API system. If you did not know this system, there is no need to worry. Here we will give you more details:

Metals-API? The best option for silver futures prices!

As the top API in the futures market, if precious metals futures prices are what you require, this service will assist you with your assignment. This service, which delivers the daily and updated pricing of metals including gold, silver, bronze, copper, and platinum, among others, is known as an API (short for application programming interfaces). You may rest assured that the data displayed on the screen is completely accurate thanks to resources like the London Metal Exchange (LME). Delivering exchange rates for precious metals, converting between different legal tenders, returning time-series data, fluctuation data, and the lowest and highest price of any given day are just a few of the capabilities.

Before, we recommend you analyze which are the future contracts of silver, since this system will offer you the closest future price.

Looking To Get The Future Prices Of Silver? Check This API

You must adhere to these guidelines in order to use this service and receive silver futures prices:

1- Visit “” to obtain an API key. Then sign up and supply your information.
2. Choose one of the 7 available plans; 6 require payment. The distinctions between each are listed under the “pricing” tab.
3. Look for the desired metal (silver) and your nation’s legal tender in the list of symbols.
4- After you’re done, call the API to retrieve the most recent futures prices.

JSON or Python are both choices for programming languages.

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsApps, technologyTechnology