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LinkedIn Talent Insights arrives, a new way to recruit talent

A few weeks ago I was reading an interview with Sarah Harmon, director of LinkedIn in Spain and Portugal, in which she mentioned that LinkedIn is really a big data company. A company that uses the data of 575 million users, more than 20 million companies and the more than 15 million active job offers that are published in it, to transform them into relevant information for its users.

Soon I will have the opportunity to confirm that this is real, and to know in scoop before its official launch, “Talent Insights”. A new LinkedIn platform that uses aggregate form (without personal references) the data of this social network to prepare reports, making use of artificial intelligence for the correct strategic decision making about talent, and that will undoubtedly change the way in which that companies approach recruitment.

What does LinkedIn Talent Insight offer us?

Talent Insights analyzes the profile changes of LinkedIn users helping the recruiters to understand the supply and demand of the market in real time and providing a vision of the labor market at a global level.

Unlike LinkedIn Recruiter, which is focused on recruiters can segment, find and communicate quickly and easily with a certain number of candidates that adapt to their recruitment needs, LinkedIn Talent Insights shows us different indicators and information for decision making, through two types of reports: reports on professionals or candidates (talent pool report) and reports on companies (company report).

For this, it offers us different segmentation filters, where we can include or exclude by the name of the job that we want to cover, the skills and knowledge that are required in the candidate, the geographical location or the industry or sector.

Main indicators of the report of professionals or candidates:

The reports on professionals or candidates allow us to see in real time LinkedIn data on various jobs, skills and hiring trends.

  • Number of Professionals (Professionals): It facilitates the number of professionals who meet the requirements established in the search filters.
  • Changes of employment (Changed jobs): It is an indicator that informs us of the% of professionals in our search who have changed jobs in the last 12 months.
  • Quantity of published offers (Job posts): An indicator that provides us with information on the amount of demand of certain professionals, represented by the number of job offers published at that moment in a given market, and for a skill, location or a position in particular.
  • Loyal talent (Engaged talent): This is an indicator of the number of loyal professionals with the employer brand of our company on LinkedIn.

In addition to these indicators, the report of professionals or candidates, provides us with information about:

The geographical locations where the professionals we are looking for are mainly found.

The name of the companies that are hiring such professional profiles.

The main universities where the professionals we are looking for are being trained

Information about what kind of professionals work for the companies of our competition and what these companies are doing to attract this talent.

The probability that a certain group of professionals will respond to an Inmail message in which a professional opportunity is offered.

Main indicators of the business report:

The report on companies provides us with details of the recruitment trends of thousands of organizations, helping us to understand the competitive landscape in recruitment, investment and the loyalty of candidates.

  • Number of employees (Employees): This indicator gives us information about the total number of employees of the company in a certain period of time, and if it has increased or decreased its workforce in the last months or years.
  • Hiring: Tells us the number of professionals hired in a certain time interval by a certain company.
  • Attrition rate: This is an indicator based on the profile changes of LinkedIn users, and calculated through the number of people who belong to a company and who have subsequently left and incorporated in other organizations. An indicator that, for example, will help us to know if a company of the competition is doing a good job of talent loyalty.
  • Permanence in the company (Tenure): Provides information on the average number of years that employees remain in a company.

The report on companies also provides us with interesting information about which are the main companies from which their new employees come, as well as the companies to which they leave.

LinkedIn Talent Insights will allow us to improve our recruitment strategy

If there is something that has been continually reproached in companies to the professionals of recruitment and selection, is to base our decisions on intuition, and be unable to establish indicators, measure, and then interpret the data obtained to make objective decisions and strategize of more intelligent hiring.

There is something important to comment about this product and that, for the moment, only those companies that are clients of any of LinkedIn’s Talent Solutions services will have access to Talent Insights.

What do you think of this new LinkedIn product?

Also published on Medium.

Published inStartups