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Know Your Client’s Time Zone With An IP Address API

Do you want to know your client’s time zone? Then use an IP address API!

Before all this, you must first understand what IP geolocation is and how an API works. The first is the physical location of an Internet-connected device, such as a cell phone or tablet. It has nothing to do with where you are, but rather with where your gadgets are. An IP address may be used to determine a user’s continent, nation, and city, as well as other information.

But what role does an API play in this? You must use technology, such as an API, to acquire the information described in the preceding paragraph. This is a gadget that connects two computers or programs and allows them to interact. You may obtain information from another place on the internet with a few mouse clicks.

Know Your Client's Time Zone With An IP Address API

Enter any IP address here, and the API will return all of the information connected with that number. It’s mostly geographical data, but you can learn a lot about someone just by looking at their IP address. These can assist you with determining your users’ time zone without asking them to fill out any forms, and acting accordingly based on the time-related metadata offered by the API. This is crucial for your website and will save you a lot of time and money.

How To Use An API

APIs can be discovered online by using a software that offers them. There are many of them accessible for free usage, but not all of them function in the same manner. As a result, you should be cautious about the one you select because making the incorrect choice might cost you time and money.

We strongly advise you to utilize ipXapi, one of the best IP geolocation APIs available, to save time and simplify the procedure. Because it is linked to several channels, this tool may give real-time IP data. The API’s database is regularly updated, with up to 24 database revisions each day.

Know Your Client's Time Zone With An IP Address API

To utilize it, you must do the following:

  1. Create an account at and get your API key.
  2. Enter the IP address from which you’d want to collect data.
  3. Send it out and see what kind of response you get.
  4. Save the API to your PC and use it whenever you need it.

More Information on This Tool

The infrastructure behind this platform has developed to be very scalable and efficient after 11 years of continuous development, processing between 2 and 3 billion API calls each day. Data coverage is expanding on a daily basis, with ipXapi now supporting over 2 million unique locations in over 200.000 cities worldwide.

This application gives a very high degree of accuracy in IP data since its database and API are linked with a number of significant ISPs who frequently submit information about new and current IP ranges.

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsTechnology