Would you like to start a project in Japanese, but don’t have the budget to hire voice actors? In this article, we will discuss how you can use text to speech for anime projects.
What is anime? Anime is simply the abbreviated form of the word Animation. It is the branch of Japanese entertainment and consists of animated videos. This might not be surprising to many considering Japan has developed a distinctive style of animation that has given it international recognition.
It is a lot more than animation though. Anime is an art form, a hobby, and it can be a lifestyle.
Anime (animation) is a broad term and includes a lot of people, places, and things. But one thing they all have in common is that they’re drawn or animated. Anime dates back to the early 20th century where it began as hand-drawn animation. Today’s anime is produced using computer graphics. While text-to-speech is normally used for other purposes than anime (i.e., for books), it can be used quite successfully for anime voice acting production.

While many people would probably love to create their own indie anime project, sometimes the budget isn’t enough, and you just can’t afford to hire several voice actors, which is why text to speech is a great alternative.
To save you some time researching different text-to-speech software, we recommend you try out Woord.
It’s a free internet application that adds voice to any text. What’s crucial to note is that Woord offers a big number of nations and languages to pick from, making it great for anime or any other Asian-themed entertainment.

Furthermore, with Woord, the gender of your character isn’t an impediment because you can pick from a list of male, female, and gender-neutral voices. This, as well as the languages, are available even if you only utilize the free trial, so you can get a taste of the experience before committing to the premium plans.
How to use text to speech for your anime projects:
It’s quite simple to use. Simply go to GoWoord.com, input your sentence, select your gender, language, and voice, and then push Speak it. It’s as easy as that, and you may listen to the audio as many times as you like. if you’d like the audio to be perfect though, you can even use the SSML editor to adjust the speed, breaks, tone, and much more. You may also download it and customize it as needed. Another useful feature of Woord is that you may upload a document, photo, or scan that contains text and have the application convert it to audio.
Why Woord?
This straightforward yet effective program transforms your work into a magnificent speech, complete with actual female and male voices. It’s ideal for users, children learning to read, e-learning, lectures, YouTube videos, Tiktok, Instagram, Twitch, and Facebook, as well as improving a website’s accessibility.
Your experience will be enhanced if you pay for a membership, and you will be able to convert all of the texts you desire at any time. You’ll have access to a private audio collection as well as high-quality audio.
Woord is a free program that lets you read a broad range of information, including webpages, blogs, text files, PDF documents, and ePub files, on Windows and Mac OS X.
Related posts:
How To Use Woord’s SSML Editor
Also published on Medium.