The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) unites more than 650 top corporations holding 86% of the U.S. market; thus, making it arguably the most powerful group in the online advertising sector. Today, IAB has established itself as a benchmark for content classification; particularly in industries with a significant presence in the digital economy and new social media. Behavioral targeting, for example, enables marketers to target marketing efforts to certain users (based on their age, location, political views, interests, etc.) and so boost their effectiveness. In fact, IAB actively encourages such advertising strategies. Therefore, it is very important that you can apply this system to your business. Continue reading It Is Possible To Do IAB Classification With An API?, we will tell you a little more about taxonomy and about Text Classification IAB Taxonomy,, an IAB Taxonomy API that will facilitate and improve your performance.

Classification of types of content
According to my experience, we can classify the contents from different angles. Each classification included in this scheme has a meaning, as we will explain later.
Types of Content by intent
The content has been created or selected because it talks about one of the following topics: it transmits the values of our brand, it communicates our products, it talks about the experiences of our consumers or it focuses on the brand territories to which we want the consumer to associate.
Content by Format
The classification of the contents can be done by their format: images, texts, audio (eg music), audiovisual (eg videos), links that we find that take us to other places & interactive formats.
Contents according to purpose
The content can also be created with the intention of achieving a result in the receiver of the message: to inform, to entertain, to call for action or participation, and also to inspire.
Types of Contents by audit
The content may have been created by us (Owned), made in collaboration with a third party (Co-author), Curated (Selected), or earned (Earned) that may be a consumer, and in such case we will call it (UGC – User Generated Content) or repercussion if the person writing is a media outlet.
Contents for associated rights
The contents have rights, like any work. These rights can be transferred to the company temporarily or permanently. A number of rights can also be restricted through Creative Commons licenses. The content of this blog is under this license.
Contents for their use
All of us who manage content have a fridge where we store content in order to guarantee a more regular publication. We also know the importance of recycling content and creating new ones.
Types of Contents by their temporary value
Watching your team’s football match doesn’t have the same value if its life as if it’s recorded. There is Synchronous content (which has more value to life) than Asynchronous content (they have the same value regardless of when you see them). Being clear about this classification is important for a medium like Twitter.
Check IAB Tech Lab’s Content Taxonomy
The Content Taxonomy has evolved over time to provide publishers with a consistent and easy way to organize their website content. For example, to differentiate “sports” vs. “news” vs. “wellness” material. Text Classification IAB Taxonomy, specification provides additional utility for minimizing the risk that content categorization signals could generate sensitive data points about some things. Some examples are race, politics, religion, or other personal characteristics that could result in discrimination.