Is your company’s network constantly attacked? Do you need to know where the threats come from? We can recommend working with an IP security API to stop piracy and much more.
The networks of any company can suffer from many different attacks. The examples go from individual people who want to do scams to the competition who wants to get secret information. If they succeed, any of these potential threats can cause severe damage. And not only for the security of your company’s equipment but for your finances.
They could also find a way to hack your online store and change the prices of your products. Or, see who your potential new customers are and make better offers. Even worst, discover what improvements you are working on and anticipate the publication of your news.
With all these threats existing today, it is necessary not to underestimate the importance of protecting your networks. The latter also involves your equipment, web applications and other digital tools that you use on a daily basis.
Luckily, there are some tools that can provide all the vigilance you need and more services.

What can an IP security API do to stop piracy?
Above all, this platform displays permanent monitoring of your internet connection. Also, it keeps an eye on your devices. Besides, the architecture of this software detects covert users. Subsequently, it can recognize the unauthorized movement by the owners of a specific network. So it acts before they can steal your IP address or clone it. Moreover, it moves preventively, so no one cannot download content from your accounts.
For a company, such a service is indispensable. Otherwise, you could be scammed or even have your information in the hands of competitors.
Stop piracy with an IP security API like Ipxapi
This firm provides connection and security functions while also three other modules. Your devices and communications network will be safe from threats if you choose the protection option. And, even better, it makes no difference where you are at the time. Ipxapi chiefly encompasses a large portion of the international network. They have a presence in over two million different sites worldwide, which means nearly two hundred thousand cities.
Moreover, the system is always ready to act instantly. As a result, it can detect masked users, such as those who use the Tor network. Furthermore, it identifies proxies that attempt to steal your data or conduct dangerous acts on your network.

What does Ipxapi offer with the other functionalities?
Principally, it provides the location of a particular IP address you provided before. Between those details, you’ll find the brand from the user’s device and the postcode. Plus, the client’s city of residency and the time zone from that specific area. Also, the currency that is in circulation in that place.
Consequently, you’ll have at hand a structured report with basic information. Then, you can control where the threats come from. Besides, necessary aspects to know your clients more and customize your service.
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