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IP Geolocation API To Discover The Client’s Location

Do you need to know where the people who visit your website are geolocated? If so, we recommend you to keep reading this article, as we will tell you how to do it. Go ahead!

Knowing where the people who visit your website are geolocated is very important. This is useful both to be able to personalize your content and also to know more information about your possible or potential customers. Moreover, it is really important data to be able to make decisions when implementing new strategies.


The term geolocation is closely related to the use of positioning systems.  And in order to know where they are geolocated, the term geopositioning is used, which is also known as geo-tracking. It may also be referred to as geolocation, or geographic position fixing, which is the process of determining or estimating the geographic position of an object.

IP Geolocation API To Discover The Client's Location

Therefore, we can know where our visitor is geolocated through the geographical position of an object. And this data can be obtained through the IP address. This address is a set of numbers that identifies an interface in the network of a device that uses the protocol or corresponds to the network level of the TCP/IP model.

How To Do That

There are several APIs that allow knowing the IP address of the people who visit the site. One of the best is ipXapi, which in our opinion is the best, because it provides really accurate and quality information. In most parts of the world, the actual average response time is less than 50 milliseconds.

About That Software:

The ipXapi API takes scalability into account and is also really easy to use. It takes less than 10 minutes to implement. Moreover, it is worth noting that the uptime is guaranteed by the software.

IP Geolocation API To Discover The Client's Location

The data it provides is really very accurate. And there are various subscription plans available. And no API key is required. It is really easy to integrate and is available in JSON, XML, CSV, Newline, PHP.

The service you offer is based on a monthly subscription. And your chosen plan is automatically renewed every month. But it can also be upgraded, downgraded or canceled at any time. Don’t forget. And payments can be made by any electronic means.

Published inAppsTechnology
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