Get the knowledge about the importance and benefits of using a company data API in just a click!
When a company sells a product or service, the data required to process the sale is often scattered across multiple databases. Using a company data API helps bring all of that information together creating a single repository for all information related to your business.

About Company Data
There’s no denying that having access to a company’s data is an important tool in the marketing and sales world. The ability to track and measure a company’s activities throughout all levels of its organization can help determine if there are any issues that can be addressed with more effective marketing strategies, which ultimately leads to better sales increases.
Today, technology has brought about faster application development cycles. In fact, this has led to an increase in custom business applications being written by external parties, including those who didn’t have any coding experience before.
What Is Meant by Data Extraction?
Data enrichment is the process of identifying and adding more details to existing data. This can be done by comparing it against other databases or by combining it with external information that has nothing to do with the data. Data enrichment can be helpful for purposes such as unlocking new data insights, or providing a better customer experience through enriched analytics.
On the one hand, data mining is performed by search engines such as Google and Bing from
These days, search engines crawl every billion websites looking for keywords and links related to them. This process requires a lot of computer resources and research. However, thanks to advances in scraping technology it is now possible for anyone to do this research on their computer or device at home or work.
There are a few APIs available online that you can use, but you have to be careful which you use because they don’t all provide the same information. You risk wasting time and money you make a bad judgment. A good api example could be Klazify.
It seems to be one of the most popular and should meet all your scanning and monitoring requirements.
Klazify: a data enrichment API
It is one of the most accurate email, URL and domain collection platforms online.
You can get any type of information, from sources or data that you need.
Logos, codes, and locations.
-First, it uses the categorization technology. This API analyzes website content and meta tags using a machine learning engine. It uses natural language processing to collect text from the site and classify it into three categories.
-Second, this tool offers three top-level structures to choose from.
Whether you need the in-depth categorization provided by the IAB taxonomy or you prefer a simpler category structure, you’ll find it with Klazify.
-Finally, it lets you search for a business or website and categorize it.
Your confidence level represents the Klazify confidence level in categorization.
It can range from 0 to 1, with 1 being safe and 0 being extremely dangerous.
Klazify Free Company Logo API As An Alternative To WebShrinker –