Identify the writer’s emotions with sentiment analysis
How is that sentiment analysis work? What’s the general purpose of using something to identify a writer’s emotions? We’ll give you all the clues you need here!
One of the many perspectives to analysing a text is to detect the author’s intention, personal opinions hiding in the writing or the feeling he or she is trying to communicate. Moreover, that kind of search comes from the literature area. Also, you can study philosophical productions from that point of view too. Specialists don’t work that with those texts because they’re bored. In fact, the importance of finding the author’s traces contributes in many aspects to a complete study of writing. It’s necessary and enriches any serious investigation.
Nowadays, it happens more often that writers don’t mind expressing their feelings in their productions. But it hasn’t always worked in that way. For decades, the writing elaborations had to be neutral to acquire recognition. The personal references were indirect and in the third person. Luckily, that was just a phase and the perspective changed for good.
And it has changed to the point that writing services provide the sentiment analysis feature to help you when you don’t have time to analyse a text by yourself.

Use sentiment analysis with Plaraphy to get the writer’s emotions
Only a few APIs and web tools have this alternative. And we aren’t talking about a service with a complex system. Despite that, Plaraphy is complete, which makes it more attractive. You can register without paying anything and begin with the free trial available on this link: https://plaraphy.com/.
First, you’ll have to choose a text with a maximum of two hundred characters and then put it in the empty box. After that, click on the sentiment analysis option, and tap the word ‘Paraphrase’ that you can find above the box. Seconds after, you’ll be able to read the answer and change it when necessary. Be aware that there’s a synonyms bank to modify the result. Of course, you can consult it any time.

More chances to obtain the writer’s emotions with sentiment analysis
Afterwards, you can explore more options to take advantage of this API for a longer time and more prolific texts. Those benefits come with paid subscriptions. They have accessible prices, and you can change your account’s status every month. It doesn’t matter if you want to upgrade or downgrade the plan every month. They even offer an enterprise pack with no limits regarding API calls when the demand is permanent where you work. This option also has constantly a technical support team to make all the consults you and your team need. Plaraphy doesn’t leave customers alone!
Start now!
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