When it comes to online businesses, you have to take every advantage you can get. We recommend you try out domain categorization.
When the term “online business” is mentioned, many people think of e-commerce applications such as Amazon and eBay. However, an online business can also refer to a website or app that provides services such as social media, blogging, or search. Online businesses can be categorized into six categories:
- Information sites
- Computers/software and services
- Retail
- Entertainment/recreation
- Travel/hospitality
- Education
A categorization API allows you to add metadata to your online business so search engines can better understand what your product or service is. For example, if you use an API to get keywords for your webpage, then your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) will be more effective. Categorization also helps to direct users to pages within your site that are more relevant to their needs by including high-quality tags about products and services that may be related to what they are searching for.

Another big use case for categorization APIs is mostly with software and online services, where the business has a business email for their client, where, for example, the email john@example.com is entered into a domain categorization API, and the domain part of the email is looked up by the API. The API in turn categorizes the customer’s company into different industries, allowing for a very unique type of data enrichment.
Use Klazify to get domain categorization

Klazify has evolved into one of the most feature-rich domain APIs on the market. For website classification, it’s a free and extensively used Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning Engine API.
To acquire machine-readable data from a domain categorization API, follow these steps:
- To get your own private API key, go to www.klazify.com and sign up.
- Before submitting, copy and paste the domain into the supplied form, and double-check that you are not a robot.
- The response from the API can be in JSON, PHP, or Python.
- Save the data and utilize it any way you see appropriate.
So, it’s as simple as that, and you and your firm may utilize it to accomplish a number of objectives.
The following is an example of a response:
{ "domain": { "categories": [ { "confidence": 0.69, "name": "/Online Communities" } ], "domain_url": "http://www.reddit.com", "social_media": null, "logo_url": "https://klazify.s3.amazonaws.com/72644513816371671666195303e293793.01678727.png" }, "success": true, "objects": { "company": { "name": "Reddit", "city": "San Francisco", "stateCode": "CA", "countryCode": "US", "employeesRange": "1K-5K", "revenue": null, "raised": 550100000, "tags": [ "Internet", "Web Services & Apps", "Technology", "Forums", "Mobile", "B2C" ], "tech": [ "google_apps", "aws_route_53", "amazon_ses", "mailgun",
Is This a Risk-Free Option?
Yes, it most certainly is! Using the IAB V2 Standard classification taxonomy, this platform will go to the relevant domain name or URL, collect data, and build suitable categories. These categories can be used for a number of purposes, including customization, marketing segmentation, internet restriction, and more. As a result, the URL or domain may be categorized into a number of different groups.
Klazify’s categorization is perfect for internet filtering and security applications since it can handle virtually any foreign language or domain.
Here is where you may sign up for Klazify.
Related posts:
Get Revenue data using A Company Domain with this API
Also published on Medium.