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How To Use The Site Engagement Analysis API

The first thing is to know what big data is (also known as macro data or data intelligence in Spanish). In essence it is a huge and very complex volume of data that is practically impossible to analyze without certain computer tools; that is, big data cannot be interpreted with, let’s say, traditional applications. When we talk about big data, we are actually referring to that data analysis from which to extract beneficial information for our business. Patterns are analyzed, apparently unrelated data is crossed and information is extracted from them that can be extremely useful to improve workflows and company performance. Keep reading How To Use The Site Engagement Analysis API, we will tell you about Site Traffic API, a tool to take advantage of all the data.

Differences between structured data and unstructured data

We’ll make an effort to make things as simple as we can to understand. Graphs can be used to organize structured data, and certain analytical tools, like the one provided by Holded through its CRM, can be used to extract that data (now we will see what it is and what it consists of). They can be classified and analyzed and yield very interesting results aimed at improving our services (and our benefits).

The unstructured ones (around 90% of those generated on the Internet) are not defined by data models and, consequently, are very difficult to analyze. Among them are the searches we do on Google, for example, as well as the comments on social networks, the files that are exchanged or downloaded (whatever type they are), etc. But let’s focus on the data that can be analyzed, on the structured data. And now let’s see what a CRM is.

Defining CRM (and why is it important for a small business to have this software)

CRM, or customer relationship management, is what the acronym stands for. This program takes care of everything associated with the client relationship, including marketing tactics, business administration, customer service, and, of course, after-sales support.

With this program, we are able to streamline our relationships with our clients and enhance all of our work processes. If our customer service improves, we will get to the point where our customers prescribe our company—that is, they think highly of it and tell others about it. Additionally, we will gain greater advantages in terms of both

Site Traffic API

So, with Site Traffic API you will be able to consult from where the site receives its traffic. It means you can check where the visitors are (per country); how many monthly visits they receive, and traffic sources (direct, social media, emails, etc).  This API will allow you to order your database by the conditions you decide. Do you want to know which URLs receive the most traffic? Or do you want to know the pages that have the highest bounce rate? What are the URLs that make your users stay longer?

Thus, you can use this API to measure the performance of your own page. You can see the behavior of users and make decisions based on the metrics received. Retrieve Search Engines Rankings and Pages’ net worth as well. 

What your API receives and what your API provides (input/output)?

Only pass the URL or domain you want to consult. And you will get traffic per country, monthly visits; engagement metrics such as average visit duration, bounce rate, pages per visit, and traffic sources. They are receiving their users from web searches? Do they receive the most traffic through paid advertising? This API will let you know that.  Check Where Are Located The Users Per Country Through This API

Want to learn more about Site Traffic API?

For additional information on how to take advantage of the Site Traffic API, go to the FAQ on Site Traffic or check to Use This Site Traffic API To Measure The Performance Of Your Site

Thank You For Reading How To Use The Site Engagement Analysis API

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