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How to Use An API For Detecting Plagiarism

Do you need to determine the amount of plagiarism in a document? It uses this API which detects copied content!

According to the law, plagiarism is the act of duplicating and using another person’s work while claiming that doing so violates the author’s copyright. In other words, plagiarism is the whole or partial copying of someone else’s work, as well as the later appropriation of that work and passing it off as one’s own. These forms of behavior are illegal and subject to punishment since they constitute a copyright violation.

Thus, we may define plagiarism as when a person steals and imitates a piece of work while pretending to be its author. For this reason, when we refer to written works, it may not be regarded as plagiarism when the reference is made and when the use of quote marks is used to indicate the foreign material.

How to Use An API For Detecting Plagiarism

To plagiarize is to represent someone else’s work as your own, whether consciously or unconsciously. This might be done through plagiarizing or paraphrasing someone else’s published or unpublished work without giving due credit, or by passing off another person’s creative or technical achievement as your own.

Without having knowledge of someone’s typing style, additional characteristics that could point to whole or partial plagiarism include abrupt changes in font (which point to copying and pasting), inconsistent citation style or format, or a complete absence of citations, particularly for difficult concepts or content.

At several points during the writing process, plagiarism might become a problem. You may avoid plagiarism by: 

– Recording the sources you use throughout research; 

– Quoting or paraphrasing such sources (and adding your own ideas)

– Making sure to cite the original source both in-text and in your reference list 

– Checking for plagiarism before submitting

In order to detect plagiarism in a document, many internet users use this API: Plagiarism Checker.

Plagiarism Checker API: What Is It?

Zyla Labs’ Plagiarism Checker API is software that allows you to determine whether or not an article includes any plagiarized material. It helps to guarantee that none of the material in your articles has already been published.

How to Use An API For Detecting Plagiarism

How This API It´s Use?

An URL will be sent to the API of Plagiarism Checker, which will then look up related items online. You will be provided with links to publications that have been reported for plagiarism as well as a percentage of how similar your work is to other articles.

What Makes This API Suggested?

The API of Plagiarism Checker is perfect for content producers who want to make sure that their posts or articles won’t be accused of plagiarism.

In order to ensure that every piece published is entirely original, you should also check to see if any of your content producers are utilizing the same text samples from any online sources. You should also check to see if any online articles are using text from your own publications or articles.

How Many Possible Consumptions Are There Each Month?

Various applications are available based on the kind of plan. For a free membership, there are 10 API call limitations each month.

Published inAppsTechnology