If you’re a business owner, try out this text analysis API for keyphrase extraction in a click!
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What Is a Text Analysis API?
APIs are software that allows two programs to communicate with each other. With this technology, you can automate a variety of tasks, saving money, time, and effort, while gaining quick access to required outputs and new data streams.
A text analytics API can help you break down unstructured data into structured data for visualization, storage and management. The function of a text analytics API is to process text content from various sources and provide detailed information such as sentiment and genre that can be used to inform business decisions.
Text Analysis API: Why Is It Important for a Business?
Text analytics is important to an organization because it allows it to extract data from unstructured content. A structured database can only process information that is structured in rows and columns, but text analytics goes deeper. Text analytics APIs not only allow organizations to analyze large amounts of unstructured content, but can also help with keyword search, sentiment analysis, and machine learning applications.
In summary, text analytics is a process of analyzing text to discover and gain insights. It is used by many businesses and institutions, including social media platforms and retail stores. With a smart text analytics API, your business can gain valuable insights into consumer sentiments to better understand their wants and needs.
Klazify is a well-known and widely used API in the world today. This program uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) to recognize online information and a machine learning engine to evaluate the content and metatags of a website.
Klazify is also a search engine that categorizes websites and companies according to their expertise. Its goal is to find, evaluate and categorize the best websites on the web (up to 3 levels).
The rating ranges from 0 to 1, where 1 means absolute security and 0 means complete obscurity. This API connects to a specific website or URL, retrieves data, and then categorizes it into over 385 different categories for one-to-one personalization using the IAB V2 Standard Classification Taxonomy.
Customers can easily offer services such as Internet filtering, subscriber statistics, ad networks and fraud prevention thanks to Klazify’s domain classification.
How To Use It?
-Go to www.klazify.com and get an API key.
– Paste the URL, domain, email address, or text to be categorized into the provided box, then confirm that you are not a robot by clicking the submit button.
– You’ll then receive the API answer in your preferred programming language. Klazify makes use of JSON, Python, and PHP.
– Select the best result and save it. After that, you’re free to do whatever you want with
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