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How To Use A CC Checker API In 2023?

Using all kinds of cards today to pay is commonplace, especially credit cards.
Unfortunately, the technological advance that allows us to see our balance in real-time, make transfers or pay online, also made scams or theft of card funds unfortunately also a daily habit.
But not everything is bad, technology also protects us and provides us with information about our cards.
There are tools that allow us to verify, for example, the veracity of a specific card. These tools are used by banks, merchants, or financial institutions.

If you want to know about a Cc checker API to verify all the credit cards, we invite you to continue reading this post, to find out about all this!

How To Use A CC Checker API In 2023?

What Is A CC Checker API?

In today’s market, there are many options that can be integrated into a platform to help verify cards.
Focusing on the APIs (Application Program Interface), which can be perfectly integrated into a website or an app, there are some options that bring very good results or avoid unnecessary waste of time and money.
But first, let’s see how one of these APIs works.

A Credit Card Validator API is an application programming interface that allows developers to validate and authenticate credit card numbers. It is a technology used by retailers, banks, and financial organizations to verify the validity of a particular credit card number and to identify the kind of card and its issuing bank.

A CC checker API compares the supplied credit card number to a set of criteria and algorithms to verify whether it follows the anticipated format, contains the right check digit, and belongs to a known issuer. This type of API will return data such as card type (e.g., Visa, Mastercard), issuing bank, and country of issue.

Online businesses and retailers frequently utilize CC Validator APIs to avoid fraud and illegal transactions. Financial organizations employ them to verify cardholder identities, assess credit risk, and detect fraudulent activity. The usage of a credit card checker API reduces the risk of financial losses due to fraudulent transactions and improves overall security for both the cardholder and the merchant.

What Credit Card Checker API Can Help Verify A Credit Card?

After trying several options that the current market offers us, we can say that we found an option that, thanks to its functionality and ease, is one of the best current options.

Credit Card Validator – BIN Checker API from Zylalabs is this option because, as we referred to above, it is an API that has worked very well for us and is very easy to use without even having great knowledge of it.

How To Use Credit Card Validator – BIN Checker API?

To obtain the full data, the customer will transmit the credit/debit card (Bank Identification Number) or IIN (Issuer Identification Number).

To obtain the complete data of this BIN/IIN in JSON format, you must enter a BIN (Bank Identification Number) – the first 6 digits of a credit/debit card.

You will be informed of the card’s validity, whether it is VISA or MASTERCARD, the issuing bank, and the card’s issuing location.

For example, if we use this endpoint to insert the BIN number “448590”, the API will give us this response:

  "success": true,
  "code": 200,
  "BIN": {
    "valid": true,
    "number": 448590,
    "length": 6,
    "scheme": "VISA",
    "brand": "VISA",
    "type": "CREDIT",
    "currency": "USD",
    "issuer": {
      "name": "JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A.",
      "website": "",
      "phone": "1-212-270-6000"
    "country": {
      "country": "UNITED STATES",
      "numeric": "840",
      "capital": "Washington, D.C.",
      "idd": "1",
      "alpha2": "US",
      "alpha3": "USA",
      "language": "English",
      "language_code": "EN",
      "latitude": 34.05223,
      "longitude": -118.24368

But of course, the most important thing… how to get it?

1- Go to Credit Card Validator – BIN Checker API and simply click on the button “TRY FREE FOR 7-DAYS” to start using the API.
2- After signing up in Zyla API Hub, you’ll be given your personal API key.
3- Employ the API endpoint to check the BIN number.
4- Once you meet your endpoint, make the API call by pressing the button “run” and see the results on your screen.

Published inAPIAppsTechnology