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How To Unleash The Potential Of Your Phone Data API

Do you know how many phones are in circulation right now? Countless! In fact, there are more than 7 billion phones in the world. That’s too many! But, not all of them are active, in fact, less than half of those phones are active.

This means that there are more than 3 billion inactive phones in the world! It´s developers task to customize applications to allow their customers in the field of business and marketing to authenticate phone numbers.

How To Unleash The Potential Of Your Phone Data API

An application programming interface is a technology that allows the direct access to the features of a software or a service. In this case, we are talking about a phone data API which is a tool that allows to get information about any phone number in just seconds. The most recommendable software for developers to customize applications for their clients is Phone Number Validation API. It works by checking the databases of carriers and getting all the information they have on a certain phone number.

The data that this phone number verification API includes are type of phone number, location, carrier company, time zone, and more. The information retrieved by this phone details API can be extremely useful for companies that want to enhance their customer base. They can use this data to create better marketing strategies and get more customers, for example.  Besides, it’s one of the best ways to get accurate information about one´s target audience. 

To unleash the potential of phone data API one needs an extremely efficient tool like Phone Number Validation API, which has been trusted by thousands of companies all over the world. Furthermore, it is easy-to-use and reliable, which allows to access and retrieve information about all the phone numbers throughout the world. This information can be used to target specific groups of people with your marketing campaigns or sales pitches, for example to target customers from a specific country, or a certain carrier users, and then target them with ads on that carrier’s website or app.

How Can A Phone Data API Help You?

Another way that a phone data API can help you is by helping you improve your customer service. By using a phone data API, you can easily track down customers who have questions or concerns about your products or services. This can help provide better customer service and improve customer satisfaction with your business. With the help of this handy guide, you’ll be able to start using this powerful tool with just a few clicks.

This phone details API is also useful -apart from user registration and authentication- for call routing and optimmization, as well as for form validation, mobile app verification, data cleansing and crm integration, and ultimately for marketing campaigns. The business owner can be certain that his commercial struggle and advertising drives are successful as they`re reaching the right customers and potential customers, which will definitely bring about better experience, more sales and business growth.

To make a long story short, the Phone Number Validation API offers a comprehensive set of features to validate, enhance, and manage phone number data. It verifies the validity and format of phone numbers, determines region compatibility, formats numbers for different dialing scenarios, attempts to determine line types, and provides country and country code information. By leveraging this API, businesses can ensure accurate communication, improve customer experiences, and optimize their operations by maintaining reliable and up-to-date phone number information. Who could ask for more?

How To Start Using This API

How To Unleash The Potential Of Your Phone Data API

Counting on a subscription on Zyla API Hub marketplace, just start using, connecting and managing APIs. Subscribe to Phone Number Validation API by simply clicking on the button “Start Free Trial”. Then meet the needed endpoint and simply provide the search reference. Make the API call by pressing the button “test endpoint” and see the results on display. The AI will process and retrieve an accurate report using this data.

Phone Number Validation API examines the input and processes the request using the resources available (AI and ML). In no time at all the application will retrieve an accurate response. The API has one endpoint to access the information where you insert the code for the product you need a review about.

If the input is +12136210002 ”, in the endpoint, the response will look like this:

"original": "+12136210002",
"sanitized": "12136210002",
"e164": "+12136210002",
"national": "2136210002",
"full_national": "(213) 621-0002",
"full_international": "+1 213-621-0002",
"country": "US",
"country_name": "United States",
"country_code_prefix": "1",
"area_code": "213",
"valid_countries": [
"invalid": false,
"impossible": false,
"type": "fixed_or_mobile",
"possible_types": [

Published inAPIApps, technologyTechnology
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