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How To Start Using Username Availability Checker API

Are you looking for a tool to help you avoid usernames that are already taken? Then, this article is for you because here we will tell you how to start using an API!

There are many reasons why you should be concerned about the availability of your desired usernames, but the most important one is that it can affect your marketing strategy.  When choosing a name for your brand, product, or even social media accounts, you must keep in mind that there are many other people who are also looking for the same name. 

That is why it is very important to check whether the desired username is available or not before creating an account or profile on a social network.  This is where an API for Username Checks comes in handy. These kinds of software programmes have databases that contain millions of usernames, and they can tell you if a name is available or not. 

How To Start Using Username Availability Checker API

This way, you can avoid having to choose a name that is already in use by someone else and that might cause confusion. This can lead to your brand being associated with another company or person if your usernames are too similar.

On the other side, you should also look for accessible usernames before creating any social media profiles for your business or items. By doing this, you can be certain that the names you select are original and won’t lead to any kind of misunderstanding when people search for them online.

Username Availability Checker API

How To Start Using Username Availability Checker API

Become one of the innumerable people, companies, and developers who already use the API as their hidden weapon. It is simple to establish your online presence, display your creativity, and protect your business’s identity. Don’t allow the ideal username escape your grasp; use this API right away to acquire the usernames you’ve always desired.

For the websites that this API supports, enter the username to verify along with the chosen social media as a parameter with a name like “social” to get it validated. As an example, the outcome in this case proved that the “instagram” account was fake:

How To Start Using Username Availability Checker API

To use this API, you must first register. To start the trial, click “START FREE TRIAL”. After that, you may begin running API queries. By selecting “test endpoint” and inputting the login you want to confirm, you can use the API. You will have all the information you require for the username in the response. You can use it for development now that you know how to use it!

This API can be used by social media management applications to give users a thorough analysis of username availability across various sites. They may manage and maximize their social media presence by using this technology, which ensures consistent branding and username selections.

The Social Media Usernames API allows brand and business owners to keep an eye on whether their usernames are available across different social media networks. They can then spot any unauthorized or unlawful usage of their trademark identification and possibly stop it.

Published inAd TechAPIAppsApps, technologyArtificial Intelligence (AI)E-commerceTechnologyTools
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