The negative headlines around David Schirrmacher and his startup Von Floerke do not tear off: As the Manager Magazine wants to have learned from business circles, the Bonn fashion retailer is close to the end. “Only a miracle” could save Von Floerke from bankruptcy, it says in the report. Schirrmacher was not available on request from founder scene on Thursday.
A little bit of history
After the startup in October had added spirits and caviar at reasonable prices in his online shop, Von Floerke was overrun by the demand and could not deliver. The public prosecutor’s office of Bonn investigates on suspicion of fraud after two criminal charges have been received.
Winning and losing
The Bonn-based startup has implemented 2.5 million euros in October alone thanks to the extended product range. In the nine months before, there were a total of five million euros. Because sales were suddenly so high, payment service providers like Klarna, Amazon Pay and Paypal froze the Von Floerke accounts for several days. The Bonn-based online shop had therefore in October an emergency loan for half a million euros from the regional savings bank record, which the financial institution according to Manager Magazin but should have withdrawn.
Schirrmacher has still not paid the interest payments to the Kapilendo investors. The fashion retailer from 2017 collected more than 1.2 million euros in a campaign on the crowd lending platform. Von Floerke has promised its investors an annual fixed rate of nine percent over five years. Kapilendo has therefore commissioned the law firm Taylor Wessing to examine the finances of the Bonn startup. However, investors would have to expect their investment to be lost, insiders told Manager Magazin.
DHDL startup
New offer, no delivery: Heavy Shitstorm for by Floerke In October, the fashion retailer decided to also include spirits and caviar in its online shop. Floerkes’ change of direction causes trouble.