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How To Retrieve Historical RBOB Gasoline Prices Data Using An API

Gasoline is the most widely used fuel in the world, with more than 90% of passenger vehicles using it. Reformulated Gasoline Blendstock for Oxygenates, or RBOB, is a gasoline additive that can be used in vehicles that can operate on standard or reformulated gasoline. The retail price of gasoline is determined by some factors, including the cost of crude oil, taxes, and transportation costs. 

As you can see, gasoline is an important commodity in our society. That’s why knowing its price can be really helpful for many people. For example, if you are an owner of a gas station or a car dealership, knowing historical RBOB gasoline prices can help you make better decisions and increase your sales. In this case, we’re talking about a Rbob prices API that provides information on how much it costs to buy gasoline at any given time. This information can be used to create applications or websites that show the evolution of this commodity over time.

How To Retrieve Historical RBOB Gasoline Prices Data Using An API

There are several APIs available on the market that allow you to retrieve historical RBOB gasoline prices data. However, not all of them are reliable or offer the best service available on the market. That’s why we recommend using an API that’s recently gained popularity due to its effectiveness: the commodities API.

The Commodities API

The commodities API may help you get current and past information on RBOB gas prices. By using this API, you can also obtain a wide range of data, including, fluctuations, time series, conversion data, and more. This will give you a clearer idea of how RBOB prices fluctuate over time and how you could benefit from these changes. This API is a fantastic choice for developers because it saves them the trouble of having to start the API creation process from the beginning each time. Conveniently, its results are delivered in JSON format, so incorporating it into active applications or websites is very straightforward. 

Start Using The Commodities API

How To Retrieve Historical RBOB Gasoline Prices Data Using An API

The commodities API is simple to integrate into your existing company. Simply register on the commodities website. Next, choose the base currency, enter the commodity’s futures symbol as an input, and finally choose the endpoint. Finally, click “run” to launch the API call and wait a few seconds for the data requested.

As an illustration, we use the “Latest rates” endpoint, input “USD” as the base currency and “RBU22” as the symbol. Then we obtained the results shown below:


This response states that one US dollar is equal to 0.390625 gasoline units.

If you’re looking for an easy-to-use tool that allows you to retrieve historical RBOB gasoline prices data easily, look no further than the commodities API. As a plus, this API also allows you to get information on different assets such as coal, sugar, wheat, and many more. Thanks to its subscription choices, it can send up to 100.000 API queries per month and receive data updates every 60 seconds. Learn how to use this API right away to help your business succeed. So go ahead and try it! You won’t regret it!

Published inAppsApps, technology
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