In this article, we’ll discover an API that shows information about the vehicle mileage. You can learn how to use it, and here we explain how to start using one.
Mileage is one of the most important indicators that allow determining the use of a vehicle, the benefits that the engine can offer, as it loses power over time, and the extent to which its components have been able to suffer this passage of time. It is important to note that its significance is proportional to the age of the vehicle.

In addition to the price and appearance of a vehicle, mileage is an important factor to consider when purchasing a used car, because the number of kilometers traveled is a good indicator of the mechanical condition of the unit, as well as the potential future expenses.
As a result, knowing the average mileage of the car you’re interested in is an important step in purchasing a used vehicle. This will allow you to determine whether the car you are considering is a good investment or not.
A car travels about 20,000 kilometers per year. To determine its level of wear, multiply this figure by its circulation time. For example, if a car has been driven for three years, the odometer should read close to 60 thousand kilometers.
If it exceeds 80 thousand kilometers, frequent handling is assumed, resulting in more deteriorated parts. If the vehicle was obtained as a taxi or for heavy work, the mileage may be high.
A car that has traveled more than 150 thousand kilometers is already considered worn; even so, this parameter varies depending on the driving mode and the maintenance provided by the owner.
That is, some vehicles have high mileage but require special care to run smoothly. If it exceeds 250 thousand kilometers, it is time to look into other options that pose less risk of mechanical failure and costly repairs.
Buying a car with unusually low mileage is also not advised. Long periods of inactivity in used cars with low mileage may indicate engine or battery problems. It’s also possible that the odometer has been tampered with. Examine the pedals, console buttons, shift lever, and seats carefully. If they appear worn, the car has traveled more miles than indicated on the dashboard.
Use An API
Seeing all this, it is important to take into account the mileage traveled by car. If you, for example, sell used cars, you have to get the mileage of all the cars you have for sale or even for rent. It is one of the key parameters to be able to make a car profitable since it is the first thing a buyer looks at.
All this you can know by reading the VIN code of a car. However, you probably have a lot of VINs to decode. This task can take a long time and you can also have obvious mistakes from reading similar things all the time. For this reason, it will be very useful for you to start using an API such as the VIN decoder API.

Why VIN Decoder API?
VIN decoder API is a tool that quickly decodes the VIN code of any vehicle from Europe, Asia, or the United States. In the programming language of your choice, you will see a detailed response of various vehicle data. You can incorporate this into digital media and make the information you want available to customers. This will show you as a reliable company and help you commercially.