Looking for current metal prices to start your scrap metal business for free?
Metal prices, as with any other commodity, tend to fluctuate . Staying current on the metal market is important if you work in the metals industry. The price of metal can fluctuate significantly, and if you don’t know what these ups and downs mean, they could impact your business in an unwanted way. To avoid being taken advantage of by unscrupulous buyers, you should regularly check the market prices for the metals that you work with.
Staying Updated on Metal Prices
The price of metals is simply the price at which a particular metal can be bought or sold on the open market. With so many factors that can affect the price of your favorite metal, it’s no wonder why some people may feel overwhelmed when they attempt to track this important data point. However, it’s important that you learn everything you can about metal prices and learn how you should react over any change.
Try Out a Metal Prices API: Metals-API
Metals-API isis synonymous with the term trustworthiness since the sources that provide it with information is of high quality. Metals-API is a simple API that provides data on a wide range of metals, from copper to gold to palladium to HRC steel. You may also track the value of these metals in over 170 currencies, like USD, EUR, and BTC. It gathers information from reliable banks and financial institutions. Furthermore, both small and major organizations, such as the multinational Barrick Gold, use it.
Nowadays, Metals-API works with many important financial institutions specializing in metals. Some of them are:
– The London Metal Exchange (LME),
-The Chicago Stock Exchange (CBOT),
-The New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), etc.
Metals-API Features
-Prices will be displayed in dollars, euros, yuan Chinese, Japanese yen, Indian rupees, whatever you want.
-The information of every metal is obtained in real-time, with a precision of 2 decimal places and a frequency of up to every 60 seconds. Capabilities include delivering exchange rates for Precious Metals, converting single currencies, returning Time-Series data, fluctuation data, and lowest and highest price of any day.
How Can You Use It?
– Acquire an API key from the website www.metals-API.com.
– Following that, you’ll discover a slew of metal and currency icons. Select the correct and the currency sign.
– Utilize these symbols to include metal and currency in the list.
– Moreover, you can choose a programming language and a price range. You have the option of using JSON, PHP, or Python.
– Then all you have to do is click the “run” button and you’re finished! The response will be displayed on your screen. This API will provide rates in troy ounces.
How Much Does It Cost?
There is a free version, in which you can access lithium prices without paying anything, but with limitations on use. If this does not work for you, there are also annual payment plans, which will offer you better benefits.
If you have any questions, visit our website and you’ll find a manual on the operation of this system.
Try Out an API for Lithium Rates From COMEX – TheStartupFounder.com
Also published on Medium.