Are you looking for a way to obtain better info from your leads and a clear picture of your company performance? If that is your case, this article is for you because here we will tell you how to integrate an API for data enrichment in a few minutes and much more!
Data enrichment APIs have proven to be an indispensable tool for anyone looking to improve their company’s performance, leads, and visibility. Nowadays, anyone who does not include one of these high technology tools in the day-to-day of a company is at a total disadvantage compared with the competition.
Let’s remember that data enrichment APIs are software programs that use artificial intelligence to extract and obtain valuable information about your leads. They can easily help you complete your skinny databases, finding out name, age range, location, likes and dislikes from any of your potential customers just by entering an email address.

Thus, these ultimate technology programs can also tell how is your website ranking, by giving you valuable data such as how much people are visiting it in real time, what are they clicking and from what part of the world.
As a marketer, a developer or a company manager, you surely agree this information is crucial to define your business next steps. What discounts should you offer, what readjustments should you add to your products, and how should the routing be done in order to achieve more conversions are just a few examples of the decisions these software programs can help you do.
On the other hand, you can also use a data enrichment API to be aware of the performance of your competitors. This way, you will have a clear picture of what their strengths and failures are, to be inspired by new ideas or to prevent repeating their mistakes.
Now, you may think that including a data enrichment API in your company might be difficult. This is far from reality, especially with Klazify, the best lead enrichment API available right now. This API has the best platform for easy and quick use, and you can simply integrate it to the list of tools your human resources use every day to make your company more successful.
How Does Klazify Work?

Klazify discovers and categorizes useful information hidden on any online platform using machine learning and the IAV B2 standard. The response can assist you in better segmenting, creating more personalized targets, and organizing client data. Thus, the response is given in JSON and more programming languages.
This platform also offers three top-level category frameworks from which to choose. It can assist you in meeting your needs, whether you require the comprehensive classification of the IAB taxonomy or prefer a simpler category structure.
Klazify, on the other hand, has a very user-friendly platform, so you’ll get immediate feedback and be able to put the data it provides to use in minutes. This data will undoubtedly assist you in making better business decisions and running more targeted advertisements.
How To Use It On My Company?
As aforementioned, Klazify is really easy to integrate in a few minutes. Here, we will tell you how.
- Fill out the form at to obtain an API key.
- Enter the classification domain.
- After confirming that you are not a robot, click Submit.
- The API response will then be delivered to you in one or more programming languages.
- Locate the information you require and use it as needed.
We have already told you how to integrate a data enrichment API in a few minutes. Start using Klazify and take advantage of its benefits!