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How To Identify Multiple Phishy URLs In Just One API Call

Are you using APIs for scanning phish URLs but you’re not satisfied with them yet? Don’t hesitate! With this new and innovating API that we’ll provide you, you’ll be able to identify phishy URLs in just one API call!

One of the most common social engineering assaults is phishing, which makes advantage of users’ emails to fraudulently steal sensitive information. They might be used as a part of more extensive attacks to gain access to institutional or commercial networks.

It’s a term used to describe an email that contains a link to a bogus website in an effort to fool the receiver into disclosing very sensitive information like a credit card number, login credentials, private data, and so forth.

In an effort to recognize and stop these attacks, numerous anti-phishing tactics have been proposed during the past years. However, some of them are inefficient and incorrect. Effective and accurate detection techniques are crucial for preventing these threats.

How To Identify Multiple Phishy URLs In Just One API Call

Employing a phishing detection API to recognize and prevent phishing emails will save businesses the time and money associated with responding to phishing efforts. In addition, a phishing detection API enables tracking and monitoring of phishing attacks so that you can identify trends and take preventative measures against phishing risks in the future.

By instantly analyzing suspicious URLs, these APIs are utilized to automatically detect phishing attempts. They can also help in quickly identifying phishing websites and domains. Another crucial feature of these APIs is that they offer insightful information about phishers’ techniques, which can help to improve phishing detection and prevention approaches.

Given all of this information, we can stimulate you on using an API like the Phish Scanner API. You can get this one for a really cheap price on Zyla API Hub. It is the most accurate and offers the simplest user interface.

Phish Scanner API

Since it combines machine learning and human inspection, the Phish Scanner API is a great tool for assessing links, websites, and emails to identify phishing. It is the most accurate API available. The API offers JSON data with a high rate of detection and use the HTTP protocol. It follows that the Phish Scanner API will undoubtedly uncover numerous malicious files.

The Phish Scanner API will provide you with a complete and easy-to-understand report, making it incredibly simple to begin started using it. The Phish Scanner API was developed with the goals of being simple, effective, and capable of scanning several URLs simultaneously.

How To Identify Multiple Phishy URLs In Just One API Call

Scan modes, which let users execute scans at various speeds depending on how many things are being scanned at once, are a very helpful feature offered by this API. As a result, if the scanner velocity is higher, you can scan multiple objects simultaneously without pausing to scan the item in line after it.

You’re maybe wondering how it works… With the Phish Scanner API, you can identify phishing by simply entering any URL to get a comprehensive JSON feature set that includes Screenshots, TLS/SSL certificates, WHOIS enquiries, HTML and DOM content, HTTP grabs, DNS information, and a Phish Score for the entered URL. Nothing could be easier!

Published inAppsTechnology
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