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How To Get Wheat Prices In Euro With An API

This article will explain what is wheat, why you should use an API to get wheat rates, and showcase the API that provides all the real time data you need about prices in Euro.

Wheat, the staple food of many cultures, is cultivated by farmers around the world. As with other investments, there are good and bad times to buy wheat. To make profitable investment decisions it is necessary to track the price of wheat on a daily basis. To facilitate this purpose, it is necessary for investors to use an API capable of providing real-time/near real-time data about prices in various locations.

How To Get Wheat Prices In Euro With An API

Wheat prices can fluctuate depending on several factors. There are numerous news agencies and websites that sell wheat rates via their websites. However, you’ll need to manually check the rate every time you want to check it.

Whether you’re a trader or an investor, your profits will be greater if you have more information. This is where an API can provide the tools to achieve that goal. You can use an API to get wheat rates in euro from Bloomberg, Reuters, and several other news sources at the same time.

An API is an application programming interface. It’s a set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications. Using a third party API to get wheat prices in euro can be very cost-efficient as there are no sign up fees. 

What exactly is Commodities-API and how does it function?

Commodities-API is a program that provides real-time wheat data. It has the option of updating every 10 minutes or every 60 seconds. It also gives historical data, allowing you to look back on previous events and assisting in the planning of future actions.

With this method, you can get real-time data on a variety of commodity rates. This method is used to conduct business in a variety of industries and websites.

How To Get Wheat Prices In Euro With An API

To obtain the API, you must first:

  1. By signing up at, you can get your own API key.
  2. Look for the symbols for Wheat and EUR.
  3. Use these symbols to find the commodity and money in the list. When you’ve decided on them, make the API call.
  4. The website will offer an API in a variety of programming languages, which you may modify, utilize, and adapt as needed.

The end result will look like this:

{"data":{"success":true,"timestamp":1643342760,"date":"2022-01-28","base":"EUR","rates":{"WHEAT":0.00402470625232273},"unit":"per metric ton"}}

Is This Information Reliable?

Without a doubt! This software uses an API to get data from banks and the stock market, making it completely trustworthy. The data is subsequently supplied with an accuracy of two decimal places and may be transformed to JSON, PHP, or Python. Furthermore, Commodities-API encrypts your connection with bank-grade 256-bit SSL encryption.

This API returns midpoint data, which is calculated by averaging the median bid and ask rates for a specified time period. For currency and commodity price conversions, the same API endpoints are utilized, and they may convert any amount from one currency to another, from one commodity to another, or from one quantity to another.

You can sign up Here

Find out How To Get Wheat Historical Prices

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsTechnology