During the first years of Early Childhood and Primary Education, children’s intellectual capacity is usually much more advanced than their reading and writing skills. This is easy to understand; if we take into account that reading is a skill that requires the boy and girl to have reached a specific level of intellectual; psychomotor; perceptual-visual; and auditory development. However, learning by listening is something that our children put into practice since they are babies; simply by listening to others, and they provide us with samples of it when they repeat songs from the radio, grandmother’s stories, or dialogues by heart. of your favorite cartoon movies. So why not Get The Most Out Of Children’s Audiobooks?
Audiobooks for children
Audiobooks are recordings of people reading books aloud. All of us who are over thirty years old remember the famous stories that our parents told us when we were little and technology was not so advanced as to offer those stories in audiovisual form. Well, those books that used to be only a few, are now available in large numbers and can be found in CD format or even in mp3 downloadable from the internet.
There are audiobooks of famous stories or movies, but there are also stories with values and educational audiobooks on school subjects such as biology, etc. Although in the market, the most abundant are the first ones, audiobooks that deal with school subjects that the child may be studying at that moment in class are becoming more and more fashionable.
But there is another option to Get The Most Out Of Children’s Audiobooks, which can be even more entertaining: make the audiobooks yourself… And it’s free! This may take some work, but it is extremely simple and will allow you to generate a personalized audiobook, especially for your child! Therefore, we suggest Woord, an extremely versatile and intuitive text-to-speech software to use, even for those who have never used this kind of technology.
Get The Most Out Of Children’s Audiobooks With Woord
It is really simple to use and, as I said before, intuitive. I am sure you won’t have any trouble converting from text to speech. The first thing to do when you go to Woord is to choose the format of your text. This is one of the best qualities of this Saas, because it allows you to convert text files, but also PDF documents, images, or websites, among others. You can also write your short story or story directly in the SSML editor.

Once the text is in place, you have to select some settings for the audio: gender of the voice, the language of the voice, voice speed, and device profiles. You can choose from over 20 languages and adjust the audio pace to your likes and needs. You can also opt for audio effects to optimize the sound on certain devices. Something that caught my attention was the gender of the voice setting includes. Besides male and female, it has a neutral option, so it is a friendly tool for everyone.
Finally, we press the button ‘speak it!’ and it’s ready, the audio will be ready in a few seconds. You can listen to it before downloading and go back if it needs some more editing. And as simple as that, you get your own personalized audiobook for free.
For more ideas, check out these articles…
Use Audiobooks For The Development Of Creative Thinking In Children
A Free AI Voice Generator To Create Cute Voiceover For Your Cat Videos
Also published on Medium.