Are you looking for a way to obtain LME Zinc historical rates? Then use an API!
Zinc is one of the most in-demand metals on the planet. This metal can be used in a variety of ways. Galvanizing, which provides exceptional resistance to air corrosion, is zinc’s major application. Because of its low melting point and strong tensile strength, it is often employed as a die-casting alloy.
Analyzing price data across various time periods and seeing how it has increased is the greatest approach to determine whether or not to invest in this sector. We recommend using an Application Programming Interface to retrieve this type of data (API).
What Is An API?
Because APIs collect accurate data from a variety of sources, including the London Metal Market (LME), the world’s largest exchange for industrial metals, you may get historical rates utilizing them. You will be able to determine the optimal moment to invest in this business with this technology.

An API operates as a middleman, sending your request to the service provider and receiving the response. APIs have become an important part of the Internet. Even if you’re creating a personal app, you’ll almost probably require one to run it or some of its features.
However, not every software supports historical rates, and procuring this technology can be challenging. As a result, Metals-API is recommended as the most thorough approach for collecting historical LME Zinc rates.
To get LME Zinc historical rates, you should follow these steps:
- Go to and get your API key.
- Look up the LME Zinc symbol and currency sign you wish to use on the website.
- After adding metal and money to the list with these symbols, make the API call. As a programming language, you can utilize JSON or PHP.
- Most currencies’ historical rates may be traced all the way back to 2019. By attaching a date (format YYYY-MM-DD) to the basic URL, you can query the Metals-API API for historical rates.
The request should be written in the following format: ? access_key = API_KEY & base = LME-ZNC & symbols = USD,CAD,EUR
The end result is as follows:
{ "success": true, "historical": true, "date": "2013-12-24", "timestamp": 1387929599, "base": "LME-ZNC", "rates": { "USD": 1.636492, "EUR": 1.196476, "CAD": 1.739516 } }
Why Metals-API?
Metals-API is a fantastic tool for investors, traders, and anyone else interested in buying, selling, or trading metals since it allows you to quickly and easily find current global market prices for any metal (including Zinc and silver).

Metals-API features a search engine that is dedicated to finding up-to-date price data feeds on certain elements or combinations of elements. The API, which comes in JSON and PHP formats, can be utilized for a wide range of programming projects.
Also published on Medium.