Are you searching for an API that provides you with hourly zinc rates? You will find the information in this post!
The bulk of zinc is used to keep other metals, such as iron, from corroding. Galvanized steel is used for car bodywork, street lamp poles, safety barriers, and suspension bridges. Die-castings, which are used in the automotive, electrical, and hardware industries, require a lot of zinc. Alloys containing zinc include brass, nickel silver, and aluminum solder.

Paints, rubber, cosmetics, medicines, plastics, inks, soaps, batteries, textiles, and electrical equipment are just a few of the goods that include zinc oxide. Luminous paints, fluorescent lights, and x-ray screens are all made from zinc sulfide.
In the last few months, zinc’s price rose. So, if you are in any of these industries you need to keep attention to the variation of the values over time. An API is a tool that will help you with this purpose.
It’s a software that allows two programs on different computers to connect with one other. Data is sent to a server from a device that is linked to the internet. Data is recorded, reviewed, and the necessary security safeguards are done before being sent back to your phone. The data is subsequently analyzed and presented by the computer.
If you need the most up-to-date prices, Metals-API is a suitable option. It’s the most recent API for this purpose, and it works with a wide range of metals and currencies. Every minute, it collects and updates all critical data from the world’s largest financial institutions. It gives information on metal price fluctuations.
Follow these steps to get started:
- By going to, you can get an API key.
- To pick the one you desire, look for a list of zinc symbols (ZNC) and currency indicators on the internet.
- Make the API request once you’ve added metal and currency to the list of symbols.
- You have the choice of utilizing JSON or PHP as a coding language.
It will look like this:
{ "success": true, "timestamp": 1519296206, "base": "ZNC", "date": "2018-09-10", "rates": { "AUD": 1.566015, "CAD": 1.560132, "CHF": 1.154727, "CNY": 7.827874, "GBP": 0.882047, "JPY": 132.360679, "USD": 1.23396, [...] } }
Why Metals-API?
One of the most exact and trustworthy API tools available is Metals-API. It collects data from about 15 trustworthy sources per minute. Banks and financial data companies are examples of these companies. As a result, you’ll have a precise estimate.

Bitcoin and Litecoin are only two of the over 170 currencies, commodities, and cryptocurrencies accepted. The JSON API (JavaScript Object Notation) reduces the requirement for each piece of software to write its specialized code to communicate with servers that utilize a certain format.