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How To Get A Permanent Fake Email In 2022

Are you wondering how to get a permanent fake email in 2022? Then, read to the end because here we have the answer!

Nowadays, fake emails are commonly employed by a high portion of Internet users. This phony accounts are really handy to keep your main inbox safe from spam and cyberattacks, as well as to avoid verification mails and notifications from social media. 

Fake emails are also called burner mail, temporary mail, throwaway mail, among others, and actually, you can create them with an email API. This sort of APIs is developed in order to allow you to have as many email addresses as you need or want. Furthermore, you can use them for work, to sign in different online services or to create social media profiles. 

How To Get A Permanent Fake Email In 2022

In order to create a fake email address you are not required entering any personal details, so you can keep your identity hidden, and the fake email address will be totally anonymous. But the most important advantage that they offer is that the inboxes of these accounts will be available to receive any kind of emails you can check when you want. 

However,  they will expire after a specific period of time, depending on the provider. As a result, the content of those inbox will also be deleted after a certain time. That is why you should choose very carefully which temporary email API to use, if you want to keep it forever.

What Is The Best Fake Email API?

In order to help you with this, we will now introduce you to the one we consider to be the best temporary email API: Mailet. This API was built using cutting-edge technologies to help customers establish throwaway fake email accounts anywhere around the world.

How To Get A Permanent Fake Email In 2022

Mailet also makes certain that their inboxes are forwarded to the email address you specify. Besides, if you use it, you can read incoming emails using its user interface or API. So it is an excellent option if what you are looking for is a permanent fake email. 

Thus, in case you were wondering, Mailet´s free plan allows you to check the inbox of the fake email during three days. In case you want to have unlimited access to it, you can upgrade to a higher plan and even create up to 100 fake email addresses. This is what makes Mailet unique and the most effective email API to use when wanting a permanent fake email address, so we highly recommend it for you.

How To Use It?

Another advantage of Mailet is its user-friendly design. With this API you just need a few clicks and less than a minute to set up a new email address. So, here we will walk you through the steps you need to follow.

  1. Go to
  2. Copy the email address from the top right corner.
  3. Use it to sign up in any online service.
  4. Read incoming emails in your inbox.

We have already explained to you how to get a permanent fake email address and introduced you to the best email API available in 2022. You just need to start using it and enjoy its benefits!

Published inAppsTechnology
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