Are you looking to open a new location and need to know exactly in which neighbourhood? Then I recommend that you continue reading this article, because here we will tell you how you can obtain information of this type to make decisions.
Opening a new business requires time, investment and knowledge. It is very important to know what would be the optimal location. This way you can ensure a high acceptance rate. Generally, it is recommended that it be on a busy street, and where there are also retail outlets.
A point of sale is accompanied by an increase in turnover. Also, an increase in the amount of content to be created, as customers will increase as well.

That is why, if an entrepreneur wants to know how to get information about where their virtual customers are located so that they can then become customers in physical locations. They can do it through an IP geolocation API.
With this type of tool, through the IP address, you can access a lot of information about the users, for example, where they are located. An IP address is a numerical representation of the point on the Internet where a device is connected. It is used to identify where something is and, in a sense, what it is. Understanding the basics of IP addresses is essential for navigating the Internet.
The IP address is entered into the API and then the API provides information. In the current market there are many tools of this type, but after searching and researching we have come to the conclusion that the best in these times is ipXapi.
About That Tool:
It provides very precise, accurate and reliable information. To try it out you just have to log on to and register. With that user you can test or implement a non-commercial use of the tool.

The IpXapi database and API are integrated with a number of large ISPs. They constantly provide information on new and existing IP ranges. And the data is really very accurate.
Steps to Try IpXapi:
1. Go to
2. Enter in your IP address or press the “look up” button.
3. Wait some seconds and you’re finished!
4. Now you have all the data.
Because the ipXapi database and API are integrated with a number of large ISPs that constantly provide information on new and existing IP ranges, we are proud to offer a very high level of IP data accuracy. If you are looking to implement it on your business site you can access one of the 3 plans available. They have different features depending on the needs of customers.