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How To Create A League Of Legends Account With Fake Email

Are you wondering how to create a League of Legends account with fake email? If that is your case, then read to the end because on this article we have all the answers you need!

League of Legends is a strategy game launched in 2009, developed and published by Riot Games, in which two teams of five powerful champions compete to destroy the other team’s base. You can choose from over 140 champions to make epic plays, secure kills, and destroy towers on your way to victory.

The plot of the game argues that, as the League of Legends was formed to prevent further Rune Wars on Valoran, the neutral aligned summoners requested exceptional individuals known as “champions” to fight on the Fields of Justice to settle disputes. Putting together a team and destroying the enemy Nexus is both difficult and rewarding, so it has become increasingly popular, and it is one of the video games most played around the world. 

How To Create A League Of Legends Account With Fake Email

A League account costs different amounts depending on the server, level, and rank. You can buy low-level LoL accounts for $30 or spend hundreds of dollars on a high-level account with all the bells and whistles. Nevertheless, you can also enjoy its free trial. To do so, you are required to enter an email account. 

So, if you do not want to give away your real email address, you can turn to fake emails. This sort of emails is widely used for both professional and nonprofessional purposes. Internet users around the world create temporary email accounts to sign in to online services where personal details are required. Thus, this can also help avoid spam and unwanted messages on your real inbox.

Setting up a throwaway email account is easier than you can imagine. Nowadays, there are temporary email APIs that can help you do it just in a few clicks. Here we will talk about Mailet, the best and easiest to use temporary email creator available. 

How To Create A League Of Legends Account With Fake Email

What Features Does Mailet Have?

It is currently the best disposable email generator, as it provides free, anonymous email addresses in a matter of seconds. Its UI or API can be used to register on websites, social media networks, and read incoming emails. It can also help you avoid spam and improve your security.

Mailet was designed to help developers and non-professional Internet users sign up for various online services without having to provide personal information. This is the best way to avoid your inbox email gets clogged with unwanted message. Thus, if you want to keep your identity hidden when signing in League of Legends, this will be ideal for you.

Its user-friendly design, for example, is ready to assist you in quickly and easily setting up temporary email accounts with just a few clicks. If you’re wondering, the free plan only allows you to save three days’ worth of messages, but you can pay to have unlimited access to your incoming email.

How To Use It?

Now you know its main features, we will tell you the steps you need to follow to use it correctly: 

  1. Go to to get started.
  2. Go to the home page and enter your email address to create an account.
  3. After that, you’ll be given a temporary email address.
  4. You are free to sign in League of Legends just using that address.
  5. You can read any incoming emails on the left side of your dashboard.

Now, you already know how to create a League of Legends account with fake email using Mailet. You should try it and see how it results for you!

Published inAppsTechnology
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