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How To Confirm An Account Using Temporary Email Address?

Have you ever had to confirm any account using your email? If you don’t agree with always using your primary email, then this tool could help you.

Surely, at some point in your life, while browsing the internet, you came across some interesting service. It does not matter much what type of service it is, some you will use frequently and others only once. However, if almost all these products have something in common, it is that most of them ask you to register and enter your data.

Once the account is created, there is one last step to take, you must confirm the account from your email. It’s as simple as going to your email and clicking “I confirm”. After this, we will be able to use the service. But, this will not end here, since with the passing of days more and more emails from these services will begin to arrive. This is a problem due to spam, but above all because we don’t know what they can do with all our data.

Although when we register we can invent our data, we will not be able to do it with our email, since we need to have access to one to confirm the account. Fortunately, there is a mechanism that generates fake emails. These are temporary emails (usually last less than 1 day, even less), which we could use to confirm the accounts, and then forget us forever. In this way, it will no longer be necessary to use any of our data to register with some unknown service.

How To Confirm An Account Using Temporary Email Address?

If you do not know where to generate one of these fake emails, here is one:

Try Mailet

We strongly recommend Mailet, because it’s one of the best online temporary email generators accessible right now. It helps you to protect your security when you don’t want you to put your mail address. Unlike other services, here you can see the emails you receive and, in this way, confirm your registration to a service.

No need to register, you can create a fake email directly, but it will only be available for 2 hours. But no problem, it is enough time to confirm the accounts you wish.

How to create a temporary email?

1 -Go to
2- Create the fake email and get it immediately.
3- Receive the emails and confirm your account.
4- Enjoy the service.
5- If you need to use it again, generate a new one without problems!

How To Confirm An Account Using Temporary Email Address?

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsApps, technologyTechnology
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