In this article, we will explain how to calculate your carbon footprint with an API, one of the most famous technologies in the industry.
The term carbon footprint was established by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 1988 to provide the world with a clear scientific overview of the current state of knowledge on climate change and its potential environmental and socio-economic impacts.
The carbon footprint was created as a measure to quantify and generate an indicator of the impact that an activity or process has on climate change, beyond the major emitters. For example, the corporate carbon footprint is mainly used for corporate reporting, which serves as a basis for communicating the company’s climate change performance to all stakeholders (suppliers, customers, investors, government, and others).
Many companies invest in projects that include renewable energy generation, energy efficiency improvements, deforestation reduction, and tree planting. The projects exceed the most stringent international carbon offsetting criteria and are extensively inspected and verified on a regular basis to ensure that they are actually reducing carbon emissions.
Carbon credits are only given out if these carbon reductions have been validated. These carbon credits can subsequently be purchased and used to compensate for other people’s and organizations’ unavoidable emissions (a process known as “carbon offsetting”).
How To Calculate Your Carbon Footprint?
If you want to calculate your carbon footprint, the best way is to use an application programming interface (API). An API can be used to communicate with external software components, operating systems, and microservices. A user’s answer is transmitted to a system, which then returns it via an API to the user.
You can calculate the energy in kWh, the flight is calculated from distance or airport codes and transport is measured by weight tonnes or kilograms, and the distance in kilometers or miles. The API that allows you to do it is CarbonAPI, which we believe is one of the most complete in the industry.
If you want to try out CarbonAPI, you should go to to sign up for their waiting list. With this API your company will be recognized for offsetting its carbon footprint.
More About CarbonAPI
CarbonAPI is a carbon offset service that uses offset projects to facilitate environmental conservation and clean energy. They are dedicated to promoting sustainability, transparency, and accountability in all areas of their business.
Their mission is to balance the effect of people’s activities on the environment by running our own or supporting other projects that combat climate change. CarbonAPI enables developers to give users accurate carbon emissions calculations and facilitate the purchase of environmentally-friendly offsets so they can offset the emissions produced by their transportation and other energy use.
Also published on Medium.