Traditional interviews have lost value when it comes to predicting job performance. The interviewees give rehearsed answers, and the interviewers tend to choose the candidates they like rather than those who have more potential.
There are many strategies that already being used by large successful companies. Therefore, new trends emerge such as interpersonal skills assessments, work auditions in different environments and even 3D interviews in virtual spaces. Techniques that Linkedin highlights in the report ‘International Trends in Personnel Selection 2018’ and that from the platform ensure that they manage to evaluate and interact with candidates in a more effective way.
Not for nothing, they areĀ evaluation of candidates’ applications based on various steps and factors.
1. Google
The Google recruitment process is divided into three steps. The first phase consists of the background and job aspirations. Beyond making a mere reading of the curricula, the hiring teams analyze the documents trying to find noteworthy attitudes that can add value to the company.
If the recruiters find a potential match, the candidate moves on to the second phase: the interviews. A call is scheduled to learn more about the skills and experience of the candidate.
It is an opportunity to ask questions and reveal personality traits that may be of interest to the company.
Once this phase is over, the in-person interview takes place. In general, the candidate meets with four or more workers, some possible teammates and others with crossed functions. Candidates will have the opportunity to highlight strengths in four different areas: problem solving, leadership, specific knowledge of the opposite and their way of working individually, as a team and outside their comfort zone.
After the interviews, the evaluation period arrives. The hiring committee, made up of ‘Googlers’ from various levels of the company, reviews the information gathered about the candidates, which includes their comments and interview scores, their CV, references and any work samples they have submitted.
Like many Wall Street firms, the US bank Citi selected candidates from elite universities and took into account their academic qualifications. However, it did not have a standard for comparing all candidates and, focusing on a limited number of universities, wasted other valuable sources of candidates.
Therefore, Citi decided to try Koru7, a 20-minute survey that measures essential personal skills such as rigor and accuracy.
The tool creates a profile based on the best employees of Citi and uses it as a reference to evaluate the candidates. He also classifies the strengths and weaknesses of his interpersonal skills, which allows him to conduct more informed interviews.
In this way, Citi’s selection processes better assess interpersonal skills, have a greater diversity of candidate profiles and make the interview a positive experience for those who apply.
3. Amazon
Amazon focuses on hiring well instead of hiring quickly. The recruitment teams of the company choose the candidates that can contribute the most in terms of innovation, which are in line with the values of the group, and whose profile may have a long history in the press.
How do they make sure to make the right decision?
Far from the classic processes, Amazon has the figure of the ‘Bar Raiser’, a person who works for the company, but not in the area for which the candidate is presented, and who is trained to become an expert interviewer who looks for the interests of the company.
They have three responsibilities as part of the hiring team. The first is to assess the strengths and opportunities offered by the candidate. Second, to ensure that the process is carried out in a fair and impartial manner. And finally make sure that the possible new Amazon employee fits the requirements that we mentioned at the beginning.
In the constant search for talent, Amazon requires the ‘Bar Raiser’ that each person hired is better than 50% of the people who currently perform similar functions, which raises the level in the company constantly.