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How to avoid a war with your employees: Learn from the Amazon case

Five months have passed since the trial between Amazon and the workers of the logistics center of San Fernando de Henares (Madrid) set its start date. However, the request of a judge, who demanded more clarity from the demands of the employees, has delayed the start of the process until Tuesday.

Is an agreement impossible to reach?

In these months, unions and company have met several times without reaching an agreement. So much so that the technology has had to face the strikes of its workers in a particularly sensitive period for the sales of the giant of electronic commerce as it was last Christmas.

In this sense, union sources explain to EL ESPAÑOL that they see this new date as “a new opportunity”. In addition, they add that the clarifications before the judge were a mere procedure “because they were already very clear”, although they attribute the request for clarifications to the fact that “social courts usually bet on mediation and to reach a minimum agreement before hold a trial”.

The unions criticize that Amazon has implemented new working conditions without going through collective bargaining as a means of negotiation. And is that the logistics center adopted the conditions of the sectoral agreement abandoning the agreement of the plant itself in April last year.

Solving it or not?

The plant of San Fernando de Henares is the oldest and maintained different rules, since the company of Jeff Bezos established new conditions to the rest of centers as they were hiring personnel.

Faced with the impossibility of reaching an agreement, the workers transferred to the courts the imposition of the new agreement. However, this is not the only conflict that the company has with its workers. Defaults for the arrears generated by the change of agreement have also been reported to the courts by a dozen employees.

The trial on Tuesday will be the first step to resolve the working conditions of Amazon. A step forward but not the only one, since the company has conflicts with its workers in other countries of the European Union such as Germany.

Also published on Medium.

Published inStartups