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How Image Classification APIs Can Help With E-commerce (2023)

Pictures will continue to dominate social media in 2023, and if you own an E-commerce, using an image categorization API can help you manage your information. If you want to quickly learn how to utilize an API like this, see this post!

Understanding the contents of the picture is necessary for image classification, which employs computer vision and machine learning algorithms to extract meaning from an image. This might be as simple as naming the image’s contents or as challenging as figuring out what the contents are and delivering a human-readable statement.

The study of photo classification, which uses a variety of approaches including deep learning, is growing in popularity. Images may be categorized in accordance with their visual content using computer vision techniques, sometimes known as “picture classification.” For instance, a classification system for images may be developed to detect whether or not a certain image contains people.

How Image Classification APIs Can Help With E-commerce (2023)

We all know that if you want to sell a product online, you need images. And not just any images. Have you ever seen posts that offered a great description of an item, but no good photos of the item or blurry photos?

What’s the first thing you think of when you see that? It’s not very appealing to potential consumers, it may inspire distrust and it may not have the reach you know could be achieved with the right images for your target consumers.

As soon as such perceptions are generated by the use of bad images, they are planted like a weed and are almost impossible to forget. The sale is practically dead at that point, no matter how much effort the salesperson puts into describing the product or offering an unbeatable price.

It’s hard to say that product images are a “secret” to e-commerce success, as their value is well known. But while every marketer wants to eliminate any customer hesitation or discomfort when it comes to making a purchase, the psychology of images goes beyond that.

Human beings are visual by nature, and there is no doubt that our brains can comprehend visual information much faster than text. The old adage “a picture is worth a thousand words” is based on scientific reality.

A single real photograph of a product can provide much more relevant information about its quality than several paragraphs of text. Why break your back describing dimensions, colors, shapes, and materials when a single photograph can do the job for you?

So with this valuable information in mind, let us recommend you an API that can save you a lot of time and work for your E-commerce image sorting process. Try Clapicks’ API.

About Clapicks

Using an expert machine learning method, Clapicks API can recognize a variety of things that may be visible in a picture. Clapicks is a great solution for eCommerce websites who need to organize their image galleries by items. Using this method, it is possible to create an application that quickly detects items even when they are in use.

How Image Classification APIs Can Help With E-commerce (2023)

You’ll see right once how much time and money using Clapicks may save you. You may select the pricing choice that best fits your budget from the range of available options, which also includes the Basic and Elite plans (there are no restrictions between plans, other from monthly limits on API calls). The best part is that you can first test it out without spending any money by just joining up.

Easy way to use it

1-Go to to obtain an API key by creating an account.

2-Insert the URL of the image you need to categorize and select “run”.

3-You’ll receive your categorized images in seconds.

There are no doubts about the efficiency of Clapicks. Easy to use, fast, reliable and accurate: you should try it right away to get all its benefits!

Published inAppsTechnology