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How Do Confidence Scores Work And How To Obtain Them With A Software

Are you wondering how do confidence scores work and how to obtain them with an API? If that is your case, read to the end because here we will tell you everything you need to know about it and will introduce you to the tool that can provide it in an accurate and fast way!

Confidence levels are extremely useful for a number of reasons. One of them is the categorisation of websites or domains according to the level of security they represent for the visitor. This can basically be determined through two broad levels. On the one hand, according to the content of the site. On the other, according to its structure.

Domain APIs are the indicated tools to categorize websites according to confidence score. These software programs measure the security rate of a site according to different parameters to provide a certain response.

How Do Confidence Scores Work And How To Obtain Them With A Software

Among the data they take into consideration, they include the information on a website, such as its content, links to other websites, and host settings, the configuration of a target domain, SSL connections established by them, and SSL certificates, the configuration of DNX MX records and the accompanying mail servers, the WHOIS information for the domain, the name server configuration, the IP address infrastructure of a domain, the findings of a reverse IP lookup. 

Finally, they examine whether the domain has been classified as high-risk by malware data feeds associated with the tool. As a result, they provide the domain a reputation score: the lower the score, the riskier the domain. A positive score usually denotes a well-known domain, whereas a zero score denotes neutral.

By incorporating one of them into your daily business operations, you will be able to stop worrying about the security of your company’s data, as unsafe domains can be blocked on multiple computers and malicious emails can be bounced.

You can also use one of these APIs to determine your domain’s confidence level. You will also be protecting your brand’s image and ensuring that your clients and potential customers have a safe browsing experience when visiting your website or receiving your email marketing in this manner.

What Is The Best API For Confidence Score?

How Do Confidence Scores Work And How To Obtain Them With A Software

Although several tools are highly recommended, we will focus on the one we believe to be the best and is currently available on the Zyla API Hub: Domain Reputation And Children Safety API.

A simple query can tell you whether a site is safe and whether the domain is appropriate for children. However, this API can also assist you in avoiding scams and inappropriate websites. As a result, this API comes highly recommended for enhancing security at any level.

It will retrieve the safety status. “Safe” will mean a secure domain. Plus, it will provide the confidence rate, which ranges from 1 to 100, and the child safety rate, which also ranges from 1 to 100. You will also be given a list of categories to choose from.

How To Use It?

The Domain Reputation and Children Safety API is simple to use, so you don’t need to have specialized knowledge to try it. You will get a complete response immediately and with only a few clicks. To help you with that, we will now tell you what needs to be done to determine the security of any domain.

  1. Select the Domain Reputation and Children Safety API from the Zyla API Hub.
  2. Sign up for an API Key and confirm that you are not a robot.
  3. Fill in the domain to be investigated.
  4. Take a look at the response to learn useful information about any domain.

That is all. We have told you how confidence score works and how to obtain it with an API. Just start trying it and take advantage of its benefits!

Published inAppsTechnology