Because there are so numerous and varied reasons to begin using Woord, our text to speech converter API, in your business, we will just list the most common among our users.
Any kind of business that wants to have a web presence and set itself apart from competitors needs a text to speech converter api like Woord.
You can pass a tts and modify it with Woord so that it communicates uniquely to each of your customers.
Do you prefer that the text be read with a certain accent? Without a problem, Woord can manage anything. Would you want to hear a female voice reading a message on feminism and gender equality? Woord is able to complete that assignment.
Male and female premium voices are included in each of our plans.
Use Woord to speak more directly to your consumers and improve any website.
If you’re still not convinced, continue reading to learn about the incredible payment solutions Woord has developed especially for enterprises.

Two noteworthy benefits of counting with Woord
The first benefit is: Excellence.
When a new employee joins the organization, learning and development resources are often their first point of contact.
Using text-to-speech technology, you may produce cost-effective, interactive training modules that are of a high caliber and level of interest.
The second benefit is: Participation
Making information about harassment, legal compliance, or cybersecurity entertaining enough to keep employees’ attention throughout multiple courses is a challenging undertaking.
It will be a lot simpler, though, if your voice is more authentic, human, and of a high level. All of a sudden, your content starts to work, your team is motivated, and your workplace is a safer and more secure environment. Everyone benefits.

What about the API’s pricing?
Do you think that the Woord is quite pricey?
Our Woord has three distinct plans to meet any of your (or your company’s) requirements.
The Starter plan, which has 10 audios per month and 100,000 characters per month is $9.99.
Following that is the Basic plan, which includes 50 audios per month and 500,000 characters per month is $24.99.
And finally the Pro plan with Unlimited audios per month and Unlimited characters per month for $99.99.
It’s important to remember that nothing long-term is committed. Your Woord plan can be upgraded, downgraded, or canceled with a single click.
But, as if these three incredible plans weren’t enough, we now have a new Custom plan which includes the changing needs of your business.
All of our offered plans include Male and Female Premium voices.
We put a lot of effort into being able to provide this additional choice to people who need it most because we are aware that needs are constantly changing and being added to or taken from.
We hope we have convinced you to give our Woord a chance and that you and your company start to make a name for yourself on the internet using this type of tools that until a couple of years ago were even difficult to imagine.
Also published on Medium.