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Google’s new business: The world of video games

The company aims to join the video game industry with Nintendo, Play Station and Xbox. On March 19 will release the details of its new strategy.

The videogame industry moves millions of dollars daily. Some of the big conglomerates that pay for this business are Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft, among others. But a new actor prepares a plan to join the select group, and apparently, it’s big. This is Google, whose ambitious plan will be released on March 19 in the context of a video game fair to be held in San Francisco (USA)

Unlike the other members of the industry, Google would point to something new. It will not have the traditional videogame system, with a device as it is known to date. It is an unprecedented service in the industry, similar to Netflix, aiming at streaming technology. The name: Project Stream.

Tracks of this new platform were obtained during the second part of 2018 and the beginning of 2019, when the company conducted a limited test. This allowed access to the game Assassin’s Creed Odyssey for free in the Chrome browser, for each user. In addition, it offered the possibility of using a control with Bluetooth.

Premium content via streaming

The test was successful, so everything points to the fact that in March Project Stream will be officially announced.

According to Google, this project was born with the aim of transmitting via streaming, with content with greater speed and response than traditional video games. “The idea of transmitting content so rich in graphics that it requires an almost instantaneous interaction between the command of the game and the graphics on the screen poses a series of challenges. When transmitting television or movies, consumers feel comfortable with a few seconds of buffering from the beginning, but the transmission of high quality games requires a latency measured in milliseconds, without graphic degradation, ” the company said through his blog .

In addition, Google has been in conversation with developers and publishers of video games to build a complete library, with different themes, to offer with its new platform.

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