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Google Pay continues to expand the list of compatible banks

Google Pay in Spain is slowly expanding the list of compatible banks, In this month of January there are three new entities that have joined the official Android payment platform.

Each time users have more options to add a payment card in Google Pay. Now there are 14 banks and partners with which we can pay with our mobile phone through their debit, credit and prepaid cards. Here we review all the compatible banks:

The latest additions to Google Pay

The new banks to reach Google Pay are Banco Pichincha, Pibanck and the Rebellion prepaid virtual card. With this last card anyone can get it for free and start using Google Pay now if your bank is still not compatible.

Banks compatible with Google Pay








American Express

Sodexo (Restaurant Pass Card, Transportation Pass Card, Business Pass Card)

Prepaid Postal Card

Edenred (Ticket Restaurant)


Banco Pichincha


Some restrictions

Not all debit or credit cards of all these entities are compatible with Google Pay. On the Google Pay support page, they detail which cards are compatible or not. If we try to add a card in Google Pay as a form of contactless payment, the application will notify us if it is not compatible.

Also published on Medium.

Published inE-commerce