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Google Maps: Better than ever

Google Maps is still by far the best navigation and mapping application available for all mobile devices in general. Now Google Maps integrates notices of speed limits as well as radars to improve the safety of its users. These are some of the functions everyone wanted.

The new update that will arrive both for Android and iOS will show us the speed limit of the road in which you are circulating in a lower corner of the screen. This is one of the reasons why I personally go to Waze when I make long trips. This is undoubtedly a feature that I find hard to understand why Google didn’t add to Google Maps before. As it is extremely interesting in a time where speed limitations are extremely important for our security and also for our pockets.

So that we also have a bit more ‘luck’ with the fines, the Google team is integrating a system that will show us the fixed speed cameras on the map. However, we will not have community notices as it does in Waze where the users warn for example of any type of police control in real time. Be that as it may, these are two of the innovations most demanded by Google Maps users for years and have finally arrived. These features will be available throughout the week for both iOS and Android automatically and not necessarily through an official update. So, do not worry if you do not receive the notice of the iOS App Store.

Published inApps