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Google includes long-awaited features to Google Maps

Google Maps starts the year strong. After it began a few days ago to show the position of radars, now it is the turn to speed limits, an information that has been in evidence for more than two years but, for some reason, has never finished taking off.

The limits of speed were next to the radars one of the great points that were missing to Google Maps, in spite of being in many apps of the competition or Waze, also of the company. For now, this feature is available for users living in the United States, the United Kingdom and Denmark.

For some reason, Google is taking very calmly the inclusion of speed limits in its main application of maps and routes: Google Maps. Despite being one of the most anticipated functions, we still need to have some patience because the deployment is not global. Mashable claims to have confirmed that the deployment is only available in the United States, the United Kingdom and Denmark.

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