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Get To Know Your Audience In Detail With An IP Geolocation API

If you are looking for an easy, quick, and economical way to get to know your customers better,. You have to continue reading this article, as we will tell you how to access the details of your customers. All this in a safe and concrete way.

Communication and marketing strategies have always been dedicated to getting to know customers in depth. This type of strategy allows a company to get to know its target audience better. Also for understanding their needs, preferences and consumption patterns.

Therefore, its marketing becomes more efficient, as it manages to better segment the audience and reach them at the most opportune moments. A good example of this is geofencing ad technology. However, one of the types of marketing that allows you to target relevant advertising to consumers based on their location history.

Ip Address:

The information can be accessed only with the user’s IP address. For example, with this address, we will be able to know: the type of language they use, their location, the zip code, information related to the internet connection they have. Also information related with the type of currency they use when making online purchases and many other things.

The IP address is a number that uniquely identifies a network interface of any device connected to it that uses the IP protocol. Which corresponds to the network level of the TCP/IP model. 

How To Try That Software?

1- First, sign up on the website:

2-Update your IP address

3- For the following stage, you’ll get the API response in a few programming languages.

4- You can save it and then use it for whatever you want.

This IP address is then entered into the API and then, yes, we get all the information we want. Also, an API has a formal character and corresponds to the functions and computer protocols. With which developers can create specific programs for databases.

One of the APIs on the market that allows information to be identified is IpXapi.That tool provides accurate and quality information. ipXapi is integrated with multiple channels that provide real-time IP data. And its data is growing every day and currently supports more than 2 million unique locations, in over 200,000 cities around the world. You only need to register to use it and implement it as long as it is not for commercial use. The data used by this API is updated regularly. The databases have 24 updates per day. 

Published inAppsTechnology